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NetLetter #1377 | November 02, 2017 |
Registration C-FTNJ Fin # 510
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
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ACFN/NetLetter News
AC Life App Update #2
As mentioned in previous NetLetters, the long-awaited Air Canada AC Life App is now available to eligible retirees.
We now have the following menu items in place at: www.acfamilynet.ca/support/aclife
There has been a large amount of interest in the AC Life App by retirees and many comments (as well as questions) have been asked in our comment section of the NetLetter. We have moved all the questions to the ACFamily Network pages and have also created a FAQ section at: www.acfamilynet.ca/support/aclife/faq This area should answer the most commonly asked questions.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered, we have introduced a "Life Support" page as well (pun intended), where you can submit your question. See: www.acfamilynet.ca/support/aclife/lifesupport

Coming Events
Peter Pigott tells us that his 20th book would not have been possible "without the help of the Air Canada Pionairs, the Canadian Maple Wings Association and all those cabin crew retirees who contacted me".
"Due out next summer, it is the history of the stewardess/flight attendant profession in North America with a focus on Canada. By tracing the evolution of the stewardesses from nurses to safety experts today, it is the history of feminism in aviation, encompassing their struggles in TCA/Air Canada, CPA, Wardair, Transair, and PWA to be accepted as more than glorified waitresses in the sky".
"Coffee, Tea or .... Feminism and Flight Attendants - A History" is sure to be of interest to our readers.
Women in Aviation
Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier in 1953.
Click Here for her bio at Wikipedia.
October 1909, The First Lady Flyer.
Yet another sphere which some had thought man would, for some time, at any rate, retain for his own has been invaded by the gentler sex. Baroness de la Roche has been successfully piloting a Voisin biplane, and has thereby earned the right to be known as the first lady flyer or "aviatress."
This initial voyage into the air was only a very short one, and terra firma was regained after 300 yards; but on the following day the parade ground at Chalon’s was encircled twice, the turnings being made with consummate ease.
During this flight of about four miles there was a strong gusty wind blowing, but after the first two turnings the Baroness said that it did not bother her, as she had the machine completely under control.
(Source: Flight International 1909 archives)
Air Canada News
Air Canada plans to begin seasonal Toronto-Shannon and Montreal-Dublin in June 2018 using the new Boeing 737 MAX 8.
More details at Irish Travel and Rewards Canada.
Air Canada concluded amendments to existing long-term labor agreement with its 3,500 ACPA-represented pilots that it says provide added commercial/operational flexibility, plus improved cost competitiveness, with pilot career growth opportunities.
(Source: SpeedNews September 17, 2017) More details at Skiesmag.com
After several years of focusing on wide body fleet renewal, Air Canada is now preparing to start introducing a large number of new narrow bodies. “This will switch the focus of our narrow body mainline fleet from the Airbus A320 family to the Boeing 737 MAX and Bombardier C Series, which is going to complement the investments we have made to our wide body fleet,” Ben Smith, passenger airlines president, said during a September 19, 2017 investor day in Toronto.
Click Here for the full "Investor Day" report from aircanada.com.
Star Alliance News
United Airlines final Boeing 747-400 will fly into the sunset on November 7th 2017, operating a special final service between San Francisco and Honolulu. The final revenue flight, which followed United's last scheduled Seoul / Incheon to San Francisco on 29th October, 2017 recreated its inaugural jumbo jet flight on the same route in July, 1970.
Since her induction into the United fleet, the Boeing 747 aka the “Queen of the Skies” has been one of United's most recognizable aircraft with her unique upper deck. Over the years, she’s won the hearts of customers and employees alike. Join us as we look back at her history with United, before she flies into the sunset after 47 years of service on November 7, 2017
Click on image below for the video titled: United – A Fond Farewell to our Boeing 747

(Source: Flight International September 26, 2017)
Reader Submitted Photos
Bill Cameron has sent us these photos -
I thought you might be interested in a collection of 1/72nd scale plastic models of various DC-3 aircraft flown by airlines of Canada in the past (and one model of a C-46 from the ‘Dew Line’ operation of the 1950’s).
I put together the models of the collection ten years ago, when kits and decals were still available, and the models are now in the museum of Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame at Wetaskiwin, Alberta.
Sorry – I never got the decals for a TCA DC-3...
Cheers, Bill Cameron, Okotoks, Alberta
Air North
Austin Airways
CP Air

Canadian Pacific

Pacific Western

Queen Charlotte Airlines
YUL Purchasing & Stores retirees had their monthly meeting at the Brasserie Le Manoir, 625 32nd Avenue, Lachine on October 5th, 2017.
Frank Pedder sent us this photo of the group.
TCA/AC People Gallery
In 1982 there were 20 ACRA (Air Canada Recreation Association) chapters in operation, but by 2017 there are now only 10 chapters on the ACRA web site. |
Team Air Canada UK participates in the Royal Bank of Canada Race for the Kids 2017.
On October 7th, 2017 Team Air Canada UK proudly flew the flag in Hyde Park, London in the RBC Race for the Kids which raises funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital, the UK’s specialist care facility for seriously ill children.
Team Air Canada was: Sophie Cranfield - HR, Ripple Bika – Finance, Wayne Birnie – Finance, Emma Levett – Finance, Paul Adolphus – Sales, Clare Van Spall – Sales, Kate Price – Sales, Vasantha Indrakumar – AC Cargo, Luciano Bueno Chaves – LHR and in the true spirit of our joint venture, also included Satinder Mekwan from Lufthansa! They were also joined by five family members.
Team Air Canada UK is proud to have raised more than GBP2K in their run!
If you would like to support Team Air Canada UK’s fundraising, please contact Team Captain Kate Price – kate.price@aircanada. (Source: The Daily October 10, 2017)
From the "Horizons" magazine. |
Issue dated January 1982. |
Pionairs AGM 1981.
Some 500 participants turned out for the fourth annual general meeting of the Pionairs held on April 30 to May 2, 1981 in Anaheim, California. At that time the Pionairs boasted a membership of some 1,300 retirees. The meeting combined informative sessions with some good old-fashioned fun such as the "Flight Attendant" chorus line pictured here.
From the left: Christine Scott-Randall at the microphone, Elizabeth Armitage, Gloria Dillion, Marilyn Bartman, Velma Hughes, Marilyn Mackay, Edna George-Clayton, Cherry Woodworth-Vassal, Shirley Blaine, Dell Finlay, Barbara Bolton-Cooper and Ruth Leslie-Heenan.
Not shown is pianist Jean Trory.
Issue dated February 1982.
The Pionairs plan for California.
The Pionairs Board of Directors met in Vancouver and high on the agenda was the fifth annual general meeting of retirees to be held in Anaheim, California on May 14-17th 1982. More than 500 retirees are expected.
In this photo we have, members of the new executive.
Seated from left: Bill Spratt, First V.P; Don Murphy, Secretary; George Fox, President; Ozzie Candy, Second V.P. and Joe Latimer, Immediate Past President.
Standing are: Martin Betts, Founding President and Pension Rep; District Directors Paul Emmerson, Halifax; Jack Somerset, Vancouver; Gord Smith, Toronto; Evelyn Desjardins, Montreal; Gord Hooper, Calgary; Beth Ferguson, Winnipeg; Charlie Woolley, Victoria; Ken Taman, Ottawa and Roger Alain, Tampa representing Florida.
Missing from the photo is Hudson Connolly, Treasurer. (Strange that Hudson, as treasurer, should be missing! - eds)
Issue dated July - August 2008 (Used with permission). |
Non-stop service between Toronto and Madrid began on June 15th, 2008 using the Boeing 767-300.
The inaugural Madrid to Toronto was the next morning after turn-around.
This year’s 2008 Annual IATA International Ground Handling Conference took place recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
In this photo, taken in front of the ACGHS booth, we have, from the left: Brad Holstein, Terry Bonifacio (YEG), Chantal Baril, Donna Hart, Karen Taveras-White (SFO), Wayne D'Entremont (YHZ), Farida Moosa (YVR), Margaret Campbell (YUL), Jay Makim (YYZ), Steven Leonard and Carlton Miller.
From the US Pionairs directors report June 2017.
This photo of the retirees from the Tampa Airport Ticket Counter gathered for a lunch, fun and catching up. Seated from the left: Jo Shorthill, and Bonnie Moody.
Standing are Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Sterling, Sue Braggins and Lynn Traviesa.
Alan's Space
Produced in 1949, "Airline Glamour Girls" shows flight attendant training at the McConnell Hostess School in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
McConnell gained considerable attention in 1947 when it was featured in a Life Magazine article that detailed how the school trained young women to serve as stewardesses and deal with (among other things) "drunks, diapers and double-chins." Some of the daily exercises practiced in this era included walking up and down flights of stairs in high heels, and chewing gum on off-hours to reduce the chances of getting a double chin.
Such was the environment that existed in this era, with only the prettiest being selected for jobs with America's airlines. The cost of attending the school in this era? $325 for an eight week course. The school apparently remained in business into the 1990s.
Click on image below for video.

CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
A Fine Canadian Pilot in 1930.
The McKee Trophy, which is annually awarded to the pilot who performs the greatest service in advancing flying in Canada, has this year been awarded to Captain W. R. May, familiarly known as "Wop" May, of Edmonton, the chief pilot of Commercial Airways, Ltd. It was Captain (then Lieutenant) W. R. May, who was engaged in a fight with Baron Manfred von Richthofen at the moment when the latter was killed by another Canadian, Captain Roy Brown.
Mr. Floyd Gibbons, in his book "The Red Knight of Germany," described May as an Australian, but apparently this was incorrect. The author said that May was a novice at the time of this fight, but had shot one Fokker down in flames, when he was himself attacked by the famous Baron and wounded in the arm.
The Baron seemed on the point of finishing May off when Brown got on the tail of the red Fokker triplane and shot von Richthofen through the heart. The novice of 1918 has now been acclaimed the foremost Canadian civil pilot in 1930.
(Source: Flight International archives May 23rd 1930)
Read more about Captain May at Wikipedia and Historica Canada
The Prairie Air Mail.
The Prairie air mail from Winnipeg to Regina and on to Edmonton and Calgary is a particularly interesting experiment. It was a definite attempt by the Post Office to use the aero plane to beat the train. Experimental flights began in December, 1928, and were carried out by Western Canada Airways, Ltd. It soon became evident that, in order to save sufficient time, night flying was necessary.
The route from Regina to Calgary was therefore lighted for night flying taking the shape of a horizontal Y. Flying westward, the aero plane starts from Winnipeg and flies to Regina. There the route branches into two, one making for Edmonton and the other for Calgary.
The total mileage is 1,226, made up as follows: Winnipeg-Calgary, 770 miles; Regina-Edmonton, 456 miles. The service was daily, and was run in connection with the railway at Winnipeg.
(Source: Flight International archives May 23rd 1930)
Wayne's Wings
Air Canada Fin #510 becomes the "Stargazer"
I had written about the Air Canada L-1011 fleet in NetLetter # 1344 and mentioned that Fin # 510 had been acquired by Orbital Sciences and branded as “Stargazer” (N140SC) then modified into the launch pad for Pegasus rockets.
Reader Gregory Landry contacted us with an update on the aircraft. Greg writes:
“This week on TV they are featuring an L-1011 REG N140SC. The only L-1011 still flying; previously owned by AC Reg C-FTNJ ACFT (510?).
Stan Price and Michel Leclerc and myself signed the airworthiness and maintenance release on this aircraft before delivery to Orbital Science. The aircraft had been stored in the desert at Mirana.”
The TV show that Greg refers to is “Mighty Planes” Season 4 Episode 3 first aired on June 20, 2017 on the Discovery network.
Lockheed L-1011 MSN 1067 was first delivered to Air Canada on September 3, 1974 and was among the aircraft of this fleet removed from service due to the high operating cost. It was chosen by Orbital Science (over the DC-10 and B-747) for the task of becoming a rocket launcher due to the sturdy structure of the L-1011. 
The “Stargazer” has now reached 25 years of serving in this capacity and a combined 43 years of service. I have not been able to confirm that it may be the last L-1011 in service and has been retired. It presently is parked at the Mojave Air & Space Port where it has traditionally been parked waiting for its next rocket launch
Below are several links of interest:
Wikipedia.org Launch take off on YouTube AirFleets.net Flightaware.com
Also, a history of the Lockheed L-1011 on YouTube
Reader's Feedback
Norman Hogwood in New Zealand sends this information about Rob Fyfe who was recently appointed to the Board of Air Canada – (refer NetLetter nr 1276)
Rob Fyfe was holding a senior position in Air New Zealand during the last few months of his employment before he retired in 2002. He was then appointed CEO and proceeded to clean out the top management fuddy-duddies lock, stock and barrel. He was immensely popular and worked with staff in many areas, including one of the aircraft cleaning gangs for a couple of days.
His “supervisor” was a Maori lady and one day he was set on toilet cleaning duties. When he had finished one aircraft he knew his team was having a break he headed to the rest room only to be told he was too late and to get back on the ramp to their next aircraft. When he complained he was told he was “too bloody slow” and to get back to work! As Neroli said, he created an amazing culture which persists today. I’m just sorry I didn’t experience it first-hand.
After reading the article in NetLetter nr 1375, Dave Shore sends this -
Another attraction at Frankfurt Airport is the observation deck, sometimes called the viewing terrace. It’s listed as an attraction on the TripAdvisor website. It even has deck chairs.
Dave Shore
Jim Barber is looking for some help here -
I am an Air Canada retiree and I am trying to put together a picture album of planes I flew during my career. In the 1977-1981 time span I flew Air Canada DC-9's, 727's, 747's and L-1011's. I know they were being repainted (or Air Canada was taking delivery of some of these new from their manufacturers) from the black capital lettering titles to red capital lettering titles. I need to know for accuracy of my 'little-now-almost too challenging project"!!
Does anyone know in what month/year all of the above aircraft took to the skies commercially sporting / wearing the new red capital lettering?
Thank You,
Jim Barber, Weston, Ontario. Canada Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Odds and Ends
Orville wrong!
One hundred years ago, Orville Wright expressed himself as anything but enthusiastic of the chances of an ocean aircraft service. "I cannot," he said, "foresee a time when crossing the Atlantic by air will be a regular occurrence".
(Source: Flight International, September 5, 2017)
Early to bed.
Think airline lie-flat beds are new?
This photo posted by Croydon airport in the UK - London's main gateway in the 1930's and now a listed terminal and museum - shows an Imperial Airways de Havilland DH 91 Albatross from 1938 outfitted for transatlantic horizontal comfort.
(Source: Flight International September 10, 2017)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Registration of Canadians abroad.
Conditions change quickly due to political unrest or severe environmental conditions. Registration of Canadians Abroad is a free service offered by Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada that keeps you connected to Canada in case of an emergency abroad, such as an earthquake or civil unrest, or an emergency at home.
Whether you're planning a vacation or living abroad, you can sign up in just a few minutes.
Online registration at: www.travel.gc.ca/travelling/registration This government website, www.travel.gc.ca provides up-to-date reports and information in Canada or abroad.
(Source: Pionairs newsletter issue #19 October, 2017))
The airline Air Baffin was established and started charter operations in 1989.
Scheduled services were inaugurated in May 1992.
This timetable was effective April 25th, 1996 from the collection of Arthur Na.
ZED fare enhancements
Employee Travel is pleased to announce new ZED fare agreements with Sun Express, Helvetic Airways and Central Mountain Air. Check the Employee Travel Site for full listings.
March 3, 1919, William Boeing flew a sack of mail from Vancouver to Seattle in the first international airmail delivery between Canada and the USA.
(Source: Vancouver Sun archives)
Here we have the Air North (Yukon’s airline) timetable issued March 1, 2005. (from Bjorn Larsson collection)
The airline was established in 1977 and started flight training and general purpose charter operations with a single Cessna 206. They presently have a fleet of 12 aircraft of a variety different models. In 2002 they acquired a pair of Boeing 737-200 jets.
These jets allowed Air North to begin competing with the mainline carriers between the Yukon and Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. These routes proved to be successful and in recent years Kelowna, Yellowknife and Ottawa have been added..
(Source: Wikipedia)
Click Here for their official site.
Here we have this cartoon from the Super Constellation handbook issued by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, originally printed in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issued April 1954.
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2017
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
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E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.