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NetLetter #1378 | November 10, 2017 |
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
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Women in Aviation
In 1942 Margaret Bourke-White became the first female photographer accredited to cover World War II combat zones.
Her Biography is at Wikipedia.
Big Win
Have two Aeroflot female cabin crew won a victory against sizeism? The pair were moved to ground duties after being told by the Russian airline they contravened a rule that uniforms could not be larger than UK size 16. However, they successfully sued their employer for discrimination.
Aeroflot, which stipulates that applicants for cabin crew detail their height, weight and clothing size, argued that larger attendants could not cope so well with emergencies, and that extra kilograms of body weight raised its fuel bi ll. On that basis, presumably the airline should base its fare structure on how heavy its passengers are.
(Source: Fight International September 10, 2017) Story at CTV News
Air Canada News
Air Canada has entered into a contract for AAR Corp to provide airframe maintenance services on its fleet of Boeing 767s. The five-year contract will begin later this year and is anticipated to ramp up in volume over a three-month period.
Shown is one of the first of Air Canada Rouge's Boeing 767-300 ER aircraft touching down at Mirabel airport (over 4 years ago).
(Source: MRO Network September 2017)
Air Canada Jetz to Carry Canada's Top Professional Hockey Teams during the 2017/2018 season.
The NHL regular hockey season has started, and once again Air Canada Jetz will be flying all seven Canadian NHL teams and the Colorado Avalanche across North America during the entire season. They will travel aboard Airbus A319 aircraft that have been configured to 58 Business Class seats.
(Source:Daily October 4, 2017) Also, Click Here for more info.
After an eighteen month makeover, the Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge at YVR has finally been revealed, featuring contemporary architecture to welcome Air Canada’s premium customers.
(Source: YVR newsletter Oct 2017)
Star Alliance News
Singapore Airlines is the launch customer for the Boeing 787-10 and has 30 of the type on firm order. The airline also signed a letter of intent in February to purchase 19 additional B-787-10's.
(Source: Air Transport World)
Reader Submitted Photos
Jim Griffith forwarded this photo of the Air Canada 737 MAX 8, N60436 received from Mark Burnham.
Air Canada took delivery of this aircraft just last month. It has now been re-registered C-FTJV (Fin #501).
Click Here for the article from Skiesmag.com
Click Here to view all of the current Air Canada fleet.
Brian Flanagan sends us this report of the First Annual Air Canada Scottish Reunion -
On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 53 ex-employees including 23 Pionairs and partners from Glasgow Sales Office and Prestwick Airport assembled at the Ellisland House Hotel in Ayr only a few miles from Prestwick Airport.
Being true to life, before the committee of Brian Flanagan, Liz Hosie and Avril Miller had finished setting up, the first arrivals were assembling. The private dining-room and the bar were soon resounding to cries of recognition and shouts of disbelief. Included in the group were ex colleagues from Toronto, Montreal and London England. As the lunch was sponsored by the Canadian Pionairs, the UK Pionairs were represented by Jack Morath and his wife Aureen on behalf of our UK director Mike Judkins.
At 12:30 Chairman Brian Flanagan, who was a Duty Manager at Heathrow having been in Glasgow as a Passenger Agent then Res Supervisor and Sales Rep before moving to London, thanked the Canadian Pionairs for their kind sponsorship and wished all who had made effort to attend an enjoyable day.
A superb three course lunch was enjoyed by all and this was followed by a thank you from Liz Hosie, who was a Senior Passenger Agent in Res/CTO then Sales Manager, for the invaluable help from Director Mike Judkins and Queen of Finance Margaret Finch of the UK Pionairs. She then introduced Roy Keane our ex Glasgow colleague who had travelled from Toronto, who proceeded to entertain us for 30 minutes with memories of the good old days. He reminded us of many hilarious events, which some of us might have wanted to forget.
He rounded off to a standing ovation with the message : "THE GOOD OLD DAYS WERE THE BEST"
There were many photo calls and renewal of friendships and promises of further get-together's. The committee have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and thanks from everyone who attended.
In this photo we have Roy Keane, Liz Hosie, Brian Flanagan and Avril Miller, who was a Senior Passenger Agent at Prestwick. |
Here we have Jimmy Edwards ex Passenger Agent Prestwick Airport and Jack Morath ex Supervisor Baggage Service London Heathrow. |
An overall group photo of the attendees. |
Here we have, from left to right: Glasgow Reservations/Sales, Liz Hosie, Dorothy Barrowman, Grace Whitting, Bill Kerr, Jay Caldwell (89 years young) , Roy Keane, Carol Georges and Beverley Allan.
TCA/AC People Gallery
From the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated September 1944. |
Another TCARA is formed.
The Lethbridge unit of the Trans-Canada Air Lines Recreational Association is just getting under steam. The plan is, as in all cases, to get everyone together as one big happy family. We're that now, but we want to have fun together, on a grander scale.
The Executive chosen include: John Robulak, President; Allan Lewis, Vice-President; Alice Groves, Treasurer and Jean Nelson, Secretary. The Executive Council is as follows: Stan Clarke, Publicity; John Deak, Promotion and Sales; Orv Knight, Chairman of Sporting Activities; Bob Cuthill, Chairman of Outdoor Recreational Activities; Betty Pelletier, Chairman of the Dance Committee; Jack Simpson, Chairman of Transportation Committee and Doug Hilton, Auditor.
With such a live wire group we feel we shall have a fine organization on our hands. You will hear more of our functions after we get out of this embryonic state and get cooking.
(Unfortunately there was no group photo and Lethbridge is not listed on the www.acra.ca web site, therefore we assume it is defunct - eds)
Found in the "Horizons" magazine issue dated September 2008 (with permission)
As part of its ongoing commitment to the environment, Air Canada will begin offering earbud-style headsets for purchase on board a majority of its flights on October 1, 2008, while encouraging customers to re-use headsets or bring their own.
This initiative aims to reduce the number of headsets thrown away by offering a better quality product for sale that is compatible with portable electronic entertainment devices.
Five old guys and an aeroplane.
Old guys must have something to do, and when the “old guys” are retired pilots, chances are good it will have something to do with airplanes. On Tuesdays, a group of retired Trans Canada Airline (TCA) (aka Trans-Canada Air Lines - eds) pilots meets for lunch and/or coffee in Vancouver.
At a meeting the problem of a neglected TCA Lodestar aircraft came up, and a committee – The Lodestar Committee – was set up to save it from further deterioration.
Meet the “five old guys.” They are:
Captain Jack Jones, who joined TCA in March, 1938.
Captains Bill Marr, Art Adamson and Jack Logan; military pilots who joined TCA in 1945.
- Captain Bill Green, the youngest and tallest, retired after years of service with Canadian Airlines.
Some historical and technical facts about the Lodestar:
- Sixth aircraft of this type and it was delivered to TCA on February 13, 1941.
- The Lockheed Lodestar was the flagship of the TCA fleet from 1941 to 1947.
- In 1948, the Lodestar in question was sold to the Department of Transport, and converted to “Club Executive Model,” for use by Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, cabinet ministers, and visiting heads of state.
- At other times, it was used for ice patrol off the Labrador Coast and in the Far North.
- At some point, the wings were sawed off... but then they were reattached and the aircraft painted in camouflage to resemble an RAF Hudson.
When it was discovered in a field in Illinois a few miles outside Chicago it was with other old wartime aircraft in what had once been a small museum. A group of retired employees, with Air Canada’s help, purchased the aircraft in 1986 and had it moved to Crescent Road in South Surrey (south of Vancouver).
In 1998, the aircraft was moved to the Delta Air Park where it stayed for 10 years. In the spring of 1998, the Museum legally changed its name to the Canadian Museum of Flight Association.
In 2008, CF-TCY was moved to Abbotsford, to be refurbished and brought up to museum standard by the University College of the Fraser Valley, (UCFV) in the college hangar at Abbotsford.
From the "New Horizons' magazine issue dated November 2004 (with permission).
With the departure of the three B747 Combis - used for both passenger and cargo flights to Europe - Air Canada Cargo signed a wet lease agreement with Gemini Air Cargo of Washington, D.C. to fly dedicated McDonnell Douglas MD-11 freighter between Toronto, Halifax and Frankfurt.
The Tuesday cargo flight to Europe stops in Halifax to pick up 60 tons of fish for delivery to Spain.
During 2004 Air Canada transferred call centre functions from Central Baggage Office in Montreal to India. No involuntary layoffs; |
Alan's Space
November 11, 2017
10 Quick Facts on Remembrance Day
(from Veterans Affairs Canada)
- Remembrance Day was first observed in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth. It was originally called “Armistice Day” to commemorate the armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.—on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
- From 1921 to 1930, Armistice Day was held on the Monday of the week in which November 11 fell. In 1931, Alan Neill, Member of Parliament for Comox–Alberni, introduced a bill to observe Armistice Day only on November 11. Passed by the House of Commons, the bill also changed the name to “Remembrance Day”. The first Remembrance Day was observed on November 11, 1931.
- Every year on November 11, Canadians pause in a moment of silence to honour and remember the men and women who have served, and continue to serve Canada during times of war, conflict and peace. We remember the more than 2,300,000 Canadians who have served throughout our nation’s history and the more than 118,000 who made the ultimate sacrifice.
- The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day. Replica poppies are sold by the Royal Canadian Legion to provide assistance to Veterans.
- Remembrance Day is a federal statutory holiday in Canada. It is also a statutory holiday in three territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) and in six provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador).
- The national ceremony is held at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. The Governor General of Canada presides over the ceremony. It is also attended by the Prime Minister, other government officials, representatives of Veterans’ organizations, diplomatic representatives, other dignitaries, Veterans as well as the general public.
- In advance of the ceremony, long columns of Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members, RCMP officers, and cadets march to the memorial lead by a pipe band and a colour guard. At the end of the ceremony, they march away to officially close the ceremony.
- Some of the 54 Commonwealth member states, such as Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia, observe the tradition of Remembrance Day on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Other nations observe a solemn day but at different dates. For example, ANZAC Day is observed in New Zealand on April 25. In South Africa, Poppy Day is marked on the Sunday that falls closest to November 11.
- Many nations that are not members of the Commonwealth also observe Remembrance Day on November 11, including France, Belgium and Poland.
- The United States used to commemorate Armistice Day on November 11. However, in 1954 they changed the name to Veterans Day.
Please click on the image below for a Remembrance Day slideshow using Mark Knopfler's "Remembrance Day" song. The beginning slides consist of many British images which gradually rolls into some Canadian images which fit with the lyrics. The theme and message is universal... 'we will remember them'.

CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
From Bill Cameron: (Source: CAHS magazine October 2017)
I enjoyed the article in the CAHS Summer Newsletter by Gord McNulty, about his visit to the North Atlantic Aviation Museum in Gander, Newfoundland.
It was a delight to see the photo in the story of Canso CF-CRP, and to re-visit an old friend, CF-CRP. The Museum in Gander is rather outside regular tourist itineraries, and I was pleased to see important and iconic aircraft preserved there.
That aircraft was flown by Canadian Pacific Air Lines from Prince Rupert Harbour to Sandspit, BC, from 1954 to 1960. A connecting flight of a CPAL DC-4 operated from Vancouver to Sandspit, daily – and cargo and passengers were exchanged at that airport. The runway at Prince Rupert, on Digby Island, was not constructed until the early 1960's.
I was assigned as Flight Dispatcher for that operation in 1955 – and with another Canso CF-CRR (that went on to have further adventures in France). The pilots, engineers, stewardesses, and myself were all in our mid-twenties in 1955, and Prince Rupert was a very happy base!
The photo of Nina Youngman with CF-CRP was taken at Sandspit in 1955. Nina was a local Prince Rupert girl, and both Nina and her sister Madeleine went on to have long and successful careers with Canadian Pacific Air Lines.
Both ladies were exemplary flight attendants, and greatly respected by all us in that airline. Nina later became Nina Morrison, and on her retirement from CPAL at mandatory age she was interviewed on CBC Radio by Peter Gzowski.
Consolidate 28A5- Canso CF-CRP CPAL timeline |
- Canadian Vickers – Cartierville, QC – Works No. CV271
- Sepember 7, 1943 – Taken on Strength, Eastern Air Command, RCAF Serial No. 9837
- October 21, 1944 – No. 162 (BR) Squadron, RCAF – Reykjavik, Iceland
- June 2, 1945 – No. 6 RD – to Storage
- November 29, 1945 – Struck off Strength RCAF - To Aircraft Industries, Montreal
- November 29, 1945 – Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Vancouver, BC as CF-CRP No. 231
- Operated from Seven Islands to Knob Lake, QC, 1946 to 1953
- Operated from The Pas to Flin Flon (Schist Lake), 1953 to 1955
- Operated from Prince Rupert (harbour) to Sandspit (runway), 1955 to 1957
- May 9, 1957 – Trans-Labrador Airlines, NL
- 1970-1973 - Eastern Provincial Airways – Halifax, NS
- 1979-90 – Government of Newfoundland & Labrador
- 1990 – North Atlantic Aviation Museum
Wayne's Wings
My Reason for Remembrance
I probably spend far too much time sitting in front of my computer. YouTube can keep me busy for hours. It's wonderful to live at a time when we can view history on demand.
However, nothing on the internet will ever replace the rewarding experience of meeting new people and learning about their life experiences.
Most of my evenings are spent at a local Royal Canadian Legion (I live within a 30-minute drive of three branches) playing either Cribbage or Euchre. There is always a game somewhere and more than a hundred friends to make.
One evening a few months ago, during a Euchre tournament, I was having a casual chat with a gentleman who clearly enjoyed talking about his family; for good reason.
Bob Fritzke is now in his early eighties and is one of 8 siblings who had served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1942 until the sixties. Bob enlisted in 1954 (the year after I was born) at the age of 17 and was trained as an Aero Engine Technician (fitter). While posted at CFB Trenton he maintained the Harvard Trainer aircraft and later was posted to the CF-100 engine school in North Bay. He obtained the rank of Leading Aircraftsman before his discharge in 1957. Bob chose not to pursue a career in aircraft maintenance, instead becoming a heavy-duty mechanic. He remained close to his military background and has been a Legion member for over 50 years. 
I have never served in the military, but I have come the appreciate the people I meet who have. As I listened to Bob talk about his family and hear the pride he feels, particularly for his elder siblings who served during WW2, I realized that remembering is not enough, we need to listen and learn.
Last month I received my poppies in the mail along with a donation envelope which I promptly dropped off with my donation the same evening. A few days later I was walking by a local drug store where a solitary elderly veteran sat in a wheel chair with a poppy tray on his lap. Although, I was wearing my poppy, I could not just walk by without dropping some money into his donation can. Neither of us spoke, he just smiled at me warmly.
Videos may be able to tell me the stories but only contact with the people help me to understand history.
References and Links
Pictured - Harvard training aircraft at Dunnville, Ontario More on the Fritzke family - from the BC / Yukon Command Military Recognition Book Volume 10. YouTube video - Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association
Reader's Feedback
Bernie McCormack shares this memory -
I flew as Maury Belanger’s First Officer on the DC-8 when he first transferred to Vancouver from Montreal.
On the flight I am referring to we flew to Toronto on the first leg and the following afternoon after an overnight in the Royal York Hotel were preparing to locate our driver for the ride to the airport and our return flight to Calgary. Maury was about to go down for the cab when I told him that some changes had been made on the pairings and that we now leave 30 minutes later than previously. When we later started across the lobby towards the front doors I said we now catch it at the back door to keep us clear of all the other vehicles.
As we opened the door to get into cab our driver who fancied himself to be a comedian gave a lingering look at our uniforms and hats and said “where to”? When we finally arrived across from the dispatch offices in Terminal 1 Maury told the driver to leave our bags further along the drive, near the entrance to Terminal 2. I was about to correct him again but decided that I had advised him of enough changes on this trip and said nothing although operations were concerned about the security of leaving them in the open as we had done for a number of years. Flight planning completed we started the walk over to Terminal 2 and when we approached the access to our aircraft we couldn’t find the bags. Time was becoming a factor when we entered the aircraft without flight bags.
I started out on a search while Maury stayed behind and completed the pre-flight checks. I hailed an RCMP car and driver and explained my problem. We drove to the limousine office at the other end of the building and explained the situation to them. They replied that now that our company was no longer using their service they had no idea where bags might be. I told them that if someone didn’t come up with them soon an aircraft with 150 passengers on board was going to be delayed at the terminal building and that someone would certainly pay dearly. “Amazing”, two sets of book bags were found inside and I was on my way minus our overnight clothing suitcases. They were still missing.
Overnight in Calgary with a small shaving kit supplied by Air Canada but no change of clothes, flight back to Toronto for another overnight stay and as we walked by a lost baggage storage room we looked in and high on a shelf found our bags with tags that told us they had been to Niagara Falls and back by bus. So much for a glib cab driver who thought he was Jack Benny and a disgruntled limousine dispatcher who decided to punish us for the sins of our planners.
Maury Belanger passed on 30 March 2012. During the war he flew coastal command and was awarded the DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross) for three attacks on enemy submarines in the outer Gulf of St. Lawrence. He was a soft spoken gentle man and attended our retired pilots’ luncheons without fail and with apparent enthusiasm. I enjoyed flying with him.
Bernie McCormack.
Since CF-TCC is airborne again for the 80th anniversary, here is a picture of the three people who "discovered" the original L10A aircraft in Harlingen Texas at the Confederate Air Force airshow. It was flown in from Plant City Florida.
On the left is Roger Slauenwhite retired sales manager and Pionair, Bob Rathwell sales manager (now deceased), and Ernie Sykes airport personnel (went to Standard Aero Montreal). CF-TCC (at this time had an American registration) was parked directly behind this B-25, flown in for the show from Hamilton Ont. (CWH).
On our return to YYZ we advised Ted Morris in Toronto P.R. of our finding. Ted called Montreal P.R. and set the wheels in motion. The rest is history. Ted was instrumental in making this all happen (a good P.R. man). Otherwise this aircraft might still be flying freight around the southern United States, which was its previous task. Hats off to Ted Morris.
Roger Slauenwhite
Odds and Ends
John Chalmers, CAHS Membership Secretary, after a visit to the Don McClure Aviation Historical Gallery at the Moncton Airport, gave a story and photos published in the CAHS National September 2017 newsletter.
Here we have this selection -
This display case houses uniforms and artifacts of Trans-Canada Air Lines. |
The image on this display case depicts a Douglas DC-3 of Maritime Central Airways flying over Hillsborough Bridge at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. |
This photo shows Avro York CF-HMU of Maritime Central Airways, on the apron of wartime RCAF No. 8 Service Flying Training School at Lakeburn, New Brunswick, circa 1949.
The York was a transport aircraft derived from the famous and much better known Avro Lancaster bomber, likewise powered by four Merlin V-12 liquid cooled engines.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Passenger interviews part of new security for US-bound flights
A number of airlines operating to the US have indicated they will be implementing new security measures recently for US-bound flights.
US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) state that passenger interviews are part of the continuing implementation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mandate, issued in June, requiring 180 airlines operating to the US to enhance security. The measures are part of DHS and TSA efforts to raise the global aviation security baseline.
The security measures affect all individuals— international passengers and US citizens—traveling to the United States from a last point of departure international location.
(Source: atwonline.com October 25, 2017)
Trans-Provincial Airlines Ltd was established by a group of local businessmen at Terrace, British Columbia, in 1964 to offer charter and scheduled services from Prince Rupert to the Queen Charlotte Islands as well as to Stewart, Alice Arm, Hartley Bay, Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Price George, Smithers, and the Alaskan town of Ketchikan.
Jim Pattison Industries purchased the carrier in 1979 as one of many acquired for the formation of Air BC, Ltd.; however, the carrier is allowed to retain its identity and was purchased from Jim Pattison in October 1986 by a group of investors headed by Port Hardy supervisor and TPA Chief Pilot Gene Story, then purchased by Harbour Air in 1994.
Here we have this timetable from the Bjorn Larsson collection.
(Source: worldhistory)
Some interline deals from Perx.com
We've got a MEGA deal on the Mega ship Oasis of the Seas! Pack & GO and sail 7 night. Caribbean in a balcony from only USD $575! Celebrate the New Year at sea aboard the fantastic Regal Princess.
Board this 10 night FLL r/t Caribbean sailing from just USD $649 balcony and cruise your way into the New Year! Norwegian Escape 7 night Caribbean sailings have terrific rates in November & December.
Take a look at the pre-Christmas departure below that has USD $499 balconies just perfect for an early gift to yourself!
PERX.com brought to you by Interline Vacations 12708 Riata Vista Circle, Suite A-125, Austin, TX 78727 Tel: 512-691-4500
Our cartoon, by F.G. Freeland, appeared in the "Between Ourselves" issue dated January 1956.
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2017
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
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