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NetLetter #1379 | November 29, 2017 |
Vickers Viscount CF-THS
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
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Women in Aviation
Valentina Tereshkova, the Soviet cosmonaut, became the first woman in space in 1963.
More info at Wikipedia.
Air Canada News
Controllers ignore Mayday calls.
Canadian officials say they’ll talk to their counterparts in India after air traffic controllers reportedly ignored a series of Mayday calls from an Air Canada Boeing 787 and ordered the crew to enter holds instead. The Dreamliner had finished a 16-hour flight from Toronto to Mumbai on Sept. 18 but a runway overrun by a SpiceJet Boeing 737 closed the active runway. Rather than going to its alternate, the aircraft was put in a series of holds by Mumbai controllers. After an hour of turning left, the Air Canada plane was getting low on fuel so the crew asked for clearance to its alternate. They were told the unidentified alternate airport was unavailable because it was at capacity and unable to take any more traffic.
After consulting with their dispatchers, the pilots decided to head for Hyderabad, about 350 miles away, but were told by controllers that Hyderabad wasn’t taking any more aircraft, either. Because of their fuel situation, the pilots called a Mayday but were put in a hold.
A second Mayday resulted in a diversion. It took a total of four Maydays to convince controllers to give them a direct route to Hyderabad where the airliner landed safely.
“The operator reported that ATC continued trying to divert the flight or attempted to place it in another hold,” Canada’s Transportation Safety Board said in its report. “The flight crew had to declare MAYDAY four times before ATC cleared them for the approach into VOHS. The TSB is in contact with India’s AAIB.”
(Source: avweb.com October 9, 2017)
Air Canada could purchase 48 more Boeing planes and an additional 30 CS300 aircraft. Growth in the number of passengers Air Canada carries could prompt it to order more narrow-body aircraft from Boeing and Bombardier, the airline said.
The country’s largest carrier has placed firm orders for 61 Boeing 737 Max and 45 Bombardier C Series jets, but the number of aircraft was based on its requirements in 2013. Air Canada also has options and rights to purchase 48 more Boeing planes and an additional 30 CS300 aircraft to give it more flexibility to meet increased demand.
(Source: briandunnyyz)
Star Alliance News
July 1, 1934, United Airlines inaugurated service between Vancouver and Seattle using a Boeing 247 aircraft (Registration NC13364).
(Source: Vancouver Sun archives) Video at YouTube
Air New Zealand is installing about 5,500 Bluetooth tags on cargo containers, pallets and unit load devices, and is introducing more than 100 readers at 29 airports internationally.
Air New Zealand is working with Core Transport Technologies on the system. “We believe this to be the first time this type of technology has been deployed at this large scale anywhere in the world,” Core managing director Ian Craig said.
(Source: ATWonline November 9, 2017)
Reader Submitted Photos
Shirlee Schacter has sent in these photos and report -
Central Ontario Pionairs Golf Tournament at the Royal Ontario Golf Club. August 22, 2017.
Our tournament had a change in location for the first time in a dozen years. Sixteen teams - made up of 64 golfers playing modified four person "Texas Scramble" format - tee'd off at the sprawling, scenic and challenging, course of the Royal Ontario Golf Club. The day of golf was followed by a special “Lion’s Roar” buffet of carved roast strip loin with all the trimmings.
After dinner, Valdy Prieditis, the Tournament Organizer / Director, along with Central Ontario Director, David McNeilly, presented trophies and prizes to the top golfers. All golfers then received a prize from the prize table which had a wide array of booty to choose from.
There was also a Special Draw, open to all, for "Grand Prizes" along with some big $$$ in the Cash Draw which made for many happy winners. Everyone enjoyed the day and are looking forward to doing it again next year!!!
Here are some photos of the event -
"Good Game" foursome: Stu & Evelyn Frake, Frank Marando and Tony Shulist.
Team Low Gross Champions: Claudio Zucconi, June Dalziel, Serge Colekessian and Fred Zurcher: Trophy presentation by District Director David McNeilly. |
Team Low Net Champions: Walter Moran, Bill Walker, Kevin Gleeson and Bonnie Thompson. Trophy presentation by District Director David McNeilly. |
Claudio Zucconi, winner of the putting contest, earned the title of “Pionair Champion Putter 2017". Bronze trophy presentation by Tournament Director, Valdy Prieditis. |
Evelyn Costigan, Al Garcia, John Ferguson and Nestor Yakimik (a regular prize donor). |
Linda Benison, Margaret and Stan Molstad.
Toasting another enjoyable event with fellow Pionairs - Lois Storrie and Central Ontario Treasurer, Ed Storrie. |
Shirlee Schacter |
TCA/AC People Gallery
1975 - July 1st - Service between Toronto and Houston began. |
From the "Horizons" magazine issue dated October 2008. (with permission)
Beijing departure ceremony honours Olympic athletes
To honour Canadian Olympic athletes departing Beijing on August 25th on our special charter flight, Beijing’s Olympic readiness team headed by Cathy Zhu, General Manager – China, organized a special send-off ceremony to the delight of all involved.
In this photo, the Beijing station team, back row, left to right: Robin Luo, Dewey Du, David Yang, Leo Wu, Marc Leblanc, Naoki Hashimoto, LiQiang Hao, Michael Song, Edward Hu, Cp Lee, Cathy Zhu, Lisa Li and Mario Han.
Front row, left to right: Alan Niu, Mandy Wang, Rene Fan, Jane Chen, Mary Zheng, Isabelle Gauthier, Kelly Zhang and Reno Li.
Issue dated February 1982.
A couple of Winnipeg ramp employees were honoured at a luncheon where they received company citations for their brave action taken to extinguish an aircraft fire.
The fire was discovered in the cargo hold of of a flight as it pulled up to the ramp. While passengers quickly deplaned, Bill Badger, Ramp Supervisor and Bill Bright, Lead Station Attendant struggled to position the fire extinguisher at the door of the cargo hold.
The pair finally managed to empty the contents of the fire extinguisher into the cargo hold. This act contained the fire until the airport fire fighters arrived on the scene and put the fire out. (ywg-citation.jpg)
Pictured at the luncheon are, the left: Leo Hubberd, Airport Manager, Winnipeg, Bill Bright, Bill Badger and Bob Nicholson, General Manager, Manitoba.
In 1982, there were 21 Air Canada Recreation Associations (ACRA) made up at the following stations -
St. John's, Newfoundland; Sydney; Halifax; Moncton; Saint John, New Brunswick; Quebec City, Montreal; Ottawa; Toronto; London, Ontario, Thunder Bay; Winnipeg, Saskatoon; Regina; Calgary; Edmonton; Vancouver; Los Angeles; Nassau; London, England and Frankfurt.
Checking with the web site for ACRA, there are sadly now only 10: Halifax; Montreal; Toronto; Ottawa; Winnipeg; Calgary; Edmonton; Vancouver; London, England and Frankfurt.
Zurich carries a heavy load.
Zurich cargo employees from the left: Ruth Engeli, Cargo Agent; Rolf Holderegger, Cargo Sales Manager and U. Bandi, Cargo Accounting Agent had good reason to smile.
For the first time in the station's history more than a million pounds of cargo was carried from Zurich to Canada and the U.S. in a one month period. This was achieved in October and again in November of 1981.
Alan's Space
Alan is on Vacation
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery

Air Atlantic timetable effective October 30th, 1988 from the collection of Marc Pfitzer.
Air Atlantic was established in 1985 and operated Dash 7 aircraft as an interim solution until delivery of their first Dash 8's.
Air Atlantic functioned as a feeder airline for Canadian Pacific Airlines and later Canadian Airlines International throughout Atlantic Canada and offered limited service from that region to Quebec, Ontario and New England.
Sadly, this airline is now listed as defunct.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Pacific Flying Club has a proud and interesting history.
The Club was established in 1965 as the Canadian Pacific Airlines Employees Flying Club and later became known as the Pacific Flying Club. Originally located at Vancouver International Airport, we relocated to Boundary Bay Airport in 1985 when ZBB was recommissioned as an airport.
The Club's senior management team has been recognized as leaders in their field. Gretchen Matheson, the Club's Chief Flight Instructor in the 1980’s and early 1990's, was a pioneer among women in Canadian aviation and was awarded the British Columbia Aviation Council's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1992.
Pat Kennedy, past president, also became the second woman to be named Chair of the Air Transport Association of Canada in 2012.
Dick Laidman, former Chief Engineer with the Club, was also a pioneer in aviation having been a former president of Pacific Western Airlines.
(Source: pacificflying.com)
Unfortunately we are short of magazines or information for this section. We would appreciate any information from our readers to share. |
Wayne's Wings
Vickers Viscount CF-THS
Air Canada Pionairs from the Manitoba-Saskatchewan district celebrated this year's anniversaries for Air Canada (80th) and the Pionairs (40th) by visiting the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada in Winnipeg.
When they sent us images from visit for posting on the district Pionairs's Photo Gallery, Vickers Viscount registration CF-THS (Fin # 637) caught my interest.
Originally delivered in early 1958, CF-THS had a rather routine career within the Air Canada fleet. Its story gets interesting concerning its retirement, storage, acquisition by the museum and restoration. 
Retired in the early eighties, it was tentatively sold to Zaire Aero Services but when the sale fell through it was flown to the RCAF base at Gimli for storage in 1982. In late 1983, it was acquired by the museum but needed considerable work to be airworthy enough to make one last short flight.
Click Here for the complete story "Shutting Down History", The Last Flight of Viscount CF-THS by Captain Jim Griffith.
Click Here for its profile at the Royal Aviation Museum web site.
Captain Griffith subscribes to the NetLetter so I asked him if he had any further comments to add to this article. He responded with the following:
"Flying Viscounts out of the Winnipeg base in the late 60’s and early 70’s was more fun than work. Most of the pilots and F/A’s were junior and while management tried to rein us in ... it didn’t work. Nobody took the old school regime very seriously. It was like belonging to a western Canada flying club with all the associated fun and frivolity."
Reader's Feedback
Bernie McCormack sends us another of his memories -
For some time now you have carried inaugural flight articles from various sources and I will comment on them and then describe my own, unique I believe, inaugural.
There is no great talent required to fly an inaugural. The pilots are not selected by management because of any special qualification as a rule. Blocks of flying are published month to month and in them a first flight to a new destination may be contained. Those blocks are bid on by the line pilots and awarded according to seniority.
The glamour flights are usually the ones that the newest aircraft fly and as a result they are taken by the most senior people in the airline. The preparation in my case was a look at the en-route, terminal area and approach charts and a good look at my national geographic maps of the route in case someone asked me a question that could be embarrassing if I "didn't have the faintest".
Any unusual flight information would be sent out to the pilots well prior to the flight by our support staff and in fact the busiest people prior to one of these flights were the ground staff arranging transportation, hotel accommodation, customs and immigration protocol, describing local sensitivities and cautions, cash exchange and a host of other things so that everyone would be ready to greet us when we got there.
I was employed by TCA when I was twenty and as a result the last few years of my career saw me near the top of the seniority list. I flew the 747-400 on the inaugural flights Westbound out of Delhi, Eastbound out of Seoul and Eastbound out of Osaka. The unique one for the reason I will tell you was out of Osaka Japan. Prior to the flight in September 1994 there were representatives of the Japanese government, the aviation authority, Air Canada management (Robert Milton) and myself assembled just outside of the terminal gate to the aircraft and held back by a thick pink (I think) ribbon. We each had a pair of beautiful scissors.
Standing on my left was the former Japanese minister of defense. I can remember thinking “don't fumble and drop those scissors or half of our passengers will book off the flight”. When we were given the signal we each simultaneously cut the ribbon and proceeded to board. The departure was routine and on time, we had no problems communicating because the airport and en-route controllers spoke very clear English and we were on our way.
Very satisfying and exhilarating. We had been underway less than an hour when we got a call on the satcom radio. Toronto. They advised that with our minimal crew availability (pilot training on the '400 was still underway) and because of illness they had no captain to take the flight back to Osaka the day after our arrival at home in Vancouver.
The same aircraft we were flying Eastbound continues to Toronto after our arrival in Vancouver, overnights and returns Westbound the next day. (In fact the same aircraft carried all of the existing flight schedule to and from Osaka). Would I consider flying the Westbound again the day after our arrival? We are usually pretty beat up sleep wise when we get home and sleep is difficult to come by even in our own bed but I considered the problem they and our company had and agreed to do it. As a result, to shorten the story, (too late), I flew the first Eastbound, the second Westbound, and the third Eastbound on that route. It was a wonderful adventure.
Bernie McCormack retired 1995.
Jim Bruce sent us this information regarding the photo of Katherine Stinson in NetLetter nr 1372.
Are you sure that the portrait shot in #1372 of Katherine is of her? If you do a search of Katherine on Google images, you’ll see my painting of her aircraft and an oil portrait I did of her both for the Alberta Aviation Museum.
Regards, Jim. (We did a search as Jim suggested - eds)
Source: AviationArtists.ca
Odds and Ends
In August 1919, Captain Earnest Charles Hoy flew from Minoru Park, Vancouver to Calgary in 16 hours and 42 minutes in a Curtis Jenny JN-4.
The train from Vancouver to Calgary took 25 hours. The flight was the first ever made across the Canadian Rockies, also the first airmail delivery. The Flight from Vancouver was via Vernon, Grand Forks, Cranbrook, Lethbridge onto Calgary.
Click Here for the full story.
Larry Milberry sends his CANAV’s autumn 2017 special list of books, journals and collectibles.
Have a look and let me know if you see anything you’d like for your own reading, for some special gift, etc.
Keeping building up your library … it’ll help keep the internet from turning your brain to mush!
Cheers … Larry Milberry Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel (416) 698-7559 … For other news and updates see www.canavbooks.wordpress.com
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
A good website to use when you are planning a trip is www.Rome2rio.com.
This website is full of great information on how to get anywhere using any mode of travel. It is useful for discovering what airlines travel to destinations that AC does not and when you need to use ZED fares.
(Source: Vancouver Island Pionairs November newsletter)
The Canada Border Services Agency (CSBA) now offers Primary Inspection Kiosks at six Canadian airports, started to phase-in Primary Inspection Kiosks (PIK) in the customs hall, eliminating the need for U.S. and international travellers and crews to fill out the E311-Declaration Card by hand.
Now when these travellers arrive in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto –Terminal 3, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax, they will be directed to a PIK where they will be prompted to answer a series of questions, scan their passport and have their picture taken.
Once complete, a receipt is printed and the passenger proceeds to a border services officer for clearance. Please note, there are a few exceptions and the following passengers will be directed to a border services officer for in-person processing: unaccompanied minors, and travellers with a non-machine-readable travel document.
More airports across Canada will switch to this new border clearance process in the months ahead.
Detailed information is available at the CBSA’s website: Click Here
Did you know there’s a CanBorder eDeclaration mobile app available? In this digital age, the CBSA has also developed a mobile app that allows you to complete your customs declaration in advance. It should help reduce the processing time at a PIK by up to 50 per cent. For more information or to download the mobile app - Click Here.
(Source: Daily November 8, 2017)
Vacations for Interliners & their friends & family from Dargal. |
El Cid La Ceiba Beach, Cozumel, Mexico Valid from Nov 06, 2017 to Dec 21, 2017. From us$77 AI pppn
Jolly Beach Resort, Antigua, Caribbean Valid from Nov 06, 2017 to Dec 20, 2017.From us$79 AI pppn
Royal Decameron Montego Beach, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Caribbean Valid from Nov 06, 2017 to Dec 20, 2017. From us $79 AI pppn
Blue Bay Grand Esmeralda, Riviera Maya, Mexico Valid from Nov 06, 2017 to Dec 23, 2017.From us$89 AI pppn
8 Night United States Waterways - American Queen Steamboat Company - American Duchess Jan 07 | More Dates... New Orleans; Nottoway; St. Francisville; Natchez; Vicksb. urg; Greenville; Scenic River Cruise; Memphis;
14 Night Asia - Celebrity Cruises - Celebrity Millennium Feb 04 | More Dates...
Hong Kong; Hong Kong; At Sea; Ha Long Bay; Chan May; At Sea;
Phu My (Ho Chi Minh); At Sea; Laem Chabang (Bangkok); At Sea; Singapore; From: Balcony: us$1423
5 Night Bahamas - Carnival Cruise Lines - Carnival Sunshine Jan 28 | More Dates...
Port Canaveral (Orlando); At Sea; Half Moon Cay; Nassau; Freeport;
Port Canaveral (Orlando); From: Inside: us $274 Oceanview: us $294 Balcony: us$419
For more information on these & other Dargal Interline specials: Call Toll Free: 1-800-690-3223 International Toll Free: (country code)-800-2832-7425 Suite 200-1632 Dickson Ave Kelowna BC V1Y 7T2
For anyone planning to spend their golden years within Canada, these 10 spots boast some of the country's warmest summers and mildest winters.
Victoria, British Columbia Niagara Falls, Ontario Courtenay, British Columbia Windsor, Ontario Kelowna, British Columbia Osoyoos, British Columbia Sunshine Coast, British Columbia Niagara on the Lake, Ontario Chilliwack, British Columbia Cobourg, Ontario
(Source: msn.com)
Our cartoon is by Dave Mathias and appeared in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated December 1963, with the caption "Mr. Finchley, sales representative, Trans Parent Air Lines to see you, Sir John".
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2017
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
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Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.