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NetLetter #1419 | August 10, 2019 |
Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
with apt registration
Photo by Frank Schwichtenberg
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
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NetLetter News
NetLetter reader Madeline Boscoe sends in this request:
Hi there,
I am trying to hunt down an old friend, Emese or her mom Arunka Torok.
They were active members of the Air Canada family for many years.
Thank you,
Please advise us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any information for Madeline.
What a wonderful time we live in!
Both current events and history are always just a mouse click or a finger swipe away.
YouTube is increasingly a source of reference for us and we enjoy passing along fun and informative videos to our readers.
Whenever you see image at left within an article, clicking on it will bring you to a video related to the article.
Have a look and enjoy!
Here are just a few of the 'YouTube Channels' where aviation enthusiasts have been creating wonderful video content.
Alex Praglowski Aviation - 'Alex' is from Calgary, Alberta and updates new videos weekly; primarily of airlines operating in Canada.
Dj's Aviation - 'Dan' is young man who creates content primarily in Europe.
Classic Airliners & Vintage Pop Culture - 'Christian' is from California and has some great classic videos.
JustPlanes - Great international content from the flight deck.
Plane Savers - 'Mikey McBryan' posts videos detailing restoration of vintage aircraft in Canada.
Wings - Historic aviation footage from the UK.
We will continue to pass along new and interesting YouTube content as we find it.
Women in Aviation
The first woman to pilot an aircraft around-the-world.
On August 18, 1948 Prudence Richarda Morrow-Tait with her navigator, Michael Townsend left Cambridge, England and began their flight eastward around-the-world.
They selected a Percival Aircraft, a Proctor IV (G-AJMU).
August 19, 1949 - Prudence Richarda Morrow-Tait landed in Croydon, England, after her flight, with navigator Michael Townsend, the first such flight for a woman. It took one year and one day with a 7 week stop in India to replace the plane's engine.
They survived a forced landing near Tanacross Alaska and spent 8 months there to raise funds to replace her plane. She spent Christmas 1948 in Edmonton, Canada.
She received little acclaim for her feat and even a bit of ridicule from a public that felt she had abandoned her motherly duties for an unnecessary adventurous undertaking.
Her trip is in a book "Thursday's Child".
(Source: www.wingnet.org)
Air Canada News
Air Canada to resume full India schedule.
Air Canada announced it will resume its daily, nonstop Toronto-Delhi flights on October 1, 2019 (eastbound) and October 3, 2019 (westbound).
The Toronto-Delhi flights will be operated initially with Boeing 787 Dreamliners and beginning October 27, additional capacity will be added to this route with 400-seat Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. Air Canada’s seasonal Toronto–Mumbai flights will operate four times weekly from October 27, 2019 until March 28, 2020 with Boeing 777-200LR aircraft.
(Source: worldairlinenews.com)
Star Alliance News
Star Alliance and IT specialist NEC Corp. have signed a partnership agreement to develop a biometric data-based identification platform that will improve the travel experience for frequent flyer passengers of the alliance’s member airlines.
(Source: atwonline.com)
Reader Submitted Photos
Shirlee Schacter shares this information -
Central Ontario Pionairs Spring Luncheon -
On May 6th, 2019, the Royal Ontario Golf Club once again hosted the Central Ontario Annual Spring Luncheon which was enjoyed by 110 Air Canada Pionairs.
The delicious buffet was preceded by a delightful wine tasting of both red and white wine – (always a welcome bonus), and members enjoyed chatting and reconnecting with friends and colleagues who they look forward to catching up with at the Luncheon each year.
After lunch, Special Events Director, Valdy Prieditis, drew tickets for 14 door prizes, one winner from each table. |
There were also 5 “Special Draw” tickets drawn as well as 3 “Cash Draw” tickets – with special congrats to Lynn-Powell McNeilly, the winner of the BIG cash amount of $200.
Thanks again to our faithful T2 Coffee Group Leaders, Sheila Moscoe & Maureen Screen for ensuring a smooth check-in. |
Door prize winners: Anne Robertson, Albina Devotta, Savi and Jag Harry-Paul, Lynda Hurley, Evelyn Morris and Laurel Seeley.
Ed Storrie, Flo Christjanson, Debbie Estey, Joan Buchanan, Lori Brodeur, Maureen Screen, Mike Roncetti and Bill Campbell.
Central Ontario Director, David McNeilly steps down from this position to become Past Director, passing the mantle on to Lesley Huether, shown here, the incoming new Director of the Central Ontario Pionairs.
If any of our readers in the Central Ontario region are interested in learning more about how to become a member of Pionairs and get in on all the fun-times; Shirlee Schacter would love to hear from you at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and will happily provide you with the details. |
TCA/AC People Gallery
Here we have this AirBC timetable issued September 13, 1982.
From the Bjorn Larsson collection.
(Source: timetableimages.com)
Here is a 10 minute video of the operation by the Jazz Ramp Rats in 2008. |
Memorable dates in Air Canada history: |
1987 -
March 1 - Edmonton-Ottawa non-stop service re-introduced. The non-stop service was discontinued in October 1986.
April 26 - Service returned to Vienna from Toronto after a 10 year hiatus.
2013 -
July 1 - Air Canada Rouge first inaugural flight was AC1920 Toronto to Kingston, Jamaica.
July 3 - 777-300ER first entered service with Air Canada between Montreal and Paris.
December 14 - Inaugural service Toronto to Vail under captaincy of Jim Florence.
Time Travel: 75 Years in Events.
Air Canada was born as Trans-Canada Air Lines (TCA) on April 10, 1937. From first takeoff to present date, its history has been full of high moments.
Passenger operations kick off on September 1, 1937. A Lockheed Electra, carrying two passengers and mail, goes from Vancouver to Boeing Field, Seattle, in 50 minutes. The ticket costs $7.90 one way, $14.20 return.
(Source: moments.aircanada.com/timeline)
(More next NetLetter – eds).
Empire Honours
The thousandth crossing of the Atlantic by Trans-Canada Air Lines was made December 1946 by this Lancastrian, photographed after landing at London Airport, Heathrow.
The Merlin engines used on this route are T.24-4's specially modified to deal with severe icing conditions.
(Source: flightglobal.com)
Here we located this photo of Lancastrian CF-CMW at Prestwick cica 1946.
On July 9, 1946, under the command of Captain G.B. Lothian, this aircraft flew from Prestwick-Montreal-Vancouver in an elapsed time of 28 hours 23 minutes.
Sold to Skyways Ltd who leased it to Onzeair Ltd of Karachi as AP-ACM the aircraft crashed at Manipur Airport, Karachi while landing on a flight from Rawalpindi on August 1, 1948 while delivering a cargo of illegal arms.
(Text source: Air Canada A Pocket Guide)
(Photos Source: flightglobal.com/pdfarchive)
From the "Horizons" magazine |
Issue dated June 1991.
National Pionairs Executive 1990:
Leo McIntyre - President; Mike Lewicki - Past President; George Daman - First V.P.; Bob Blanchette - 2nd V.P.; Fraser Muir - Treasurer; Helen Gunton - Secretary.
District Directors 1990:
Lorne McDermot - Victoria B.C.; Donella Robertson - Vancouver; Ken Morrison - Calgary; John Klem - Winnipeg; Stephanie Mandzie - Winnipeg; Lloyd Wedge - Ottawa; Al Husted - Ontario
National Pionairs Executive 1991:
John Innes - President; Leo McIntyre - Past President; Kay Napolitano - First V.P.; Lorne McDermot - 2nd V.P.; Bill McNutt - Treasurer; Laura Innes - Secretary; George Clifford - Pension Rep; Normand Cadieux - AC Liaison; Bernice Paul - Pension & Estates Office.
District Directors 1991:
Frank Takasaki - Sidney, BC; Donella Robertson - Vancouver; Ken Morrison - Calgary; John Klem - Winnipeg; Stephanie Mandzie - Winnipeg; Chuck Taylor - Ontario; Lloyd Wedge - Ottawa; Maureen Swiednicki - Montreal; Peter McCarthy - Halifax; Ralph Goodmurphy - USA. |
Issue dated February 1982.
Pionairs plan for California.
The Pionairs Board of Directors met at Vancouver and high on the agenda was the AGM to be held in Anaheim, California May 14 - 17, 1982. The Board reported that "all systems were go" and that 500 retirees and spouses were expected to attend.
Members of the new executive are seated, from the left: Bill Spratt, First VP; Don Murphy, Secretary; George Fox, President; Ozzie Candy, Second VP; Joe Lorimer, Immediate Past President.
Standing for the left: Martin Betts, Founding President and Pension Representative; District Directors Paul Emmerson, Halifax; Jack Somerset, Vancouver; Gord Smith, Toronto; Evelyn Desjardins, Montreal; Gord Hooper, Calgary; Beth Ferguson, Winnipeg; Charlie Woolley, Victoria; Ken Taman, Ottawa and Roger Alain, Tampa representing Florida.
Missing from the photo was Hudson Connolly, Treasurer.
Issue April 1986.
Charlottetown staff have several reasons to celebrate 1986. Along with participating in the 50th anniversary festivities, employees are welcoming their move into the recently completed airport terminal.
"As well, 1986 holds special meaning as we approach the completion of the tenth year of commercial operations," notes Al Rach, Manager, Prince Edward Island.
The Charlottetown staff are, standing, from the left: Wayne Handren. Customer Sales and Service Agent; Al Rach, Gina Leblanc, Secretary; Beverley Young, Customer Sales and Service Agent; Marlene Gairns, Clerk and Gary Turnbull, Station Agent. In the front row are, from the left: Len Durden, Station Agent; Station Attendants Jim Tingman, John McEachern and Frank Ramsay, Station Agent.
Missing from the photo are: Garth Rogers, Station Attendant; Roy Eastwood, Station Agent and Customer Sales and Service Agents Trafford Allman, Dave Spence and Anne Robichaud. |
Haiti service resumes.
Air Canada resumed scheduled service to Haiti on Saturday, April 12, 1986.The B-727 service operated once a week, with all flights departing from and returning to Montreal on Saturday.
Air Canada's last scheduled flight to Haiti took place on Saturday, Feb. 1, 1986 and the service was cancelled the following Saturday. However, on February 10 and 17 (both being Mondays) the airline operated two northbound-only ''rescue'' flights from Haiti. |
Issue dated January 1987.
Gift of wings. The Canadian Maple Wings Association presented Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children with a cheque for $12,000. The funds, raised at the April reunion, will be used to purchase updated medical equipment.
In the photo are, from the left: Gretchen Marsh, founder and first president of the Maple Wings; Tuula Ross, the association's treasurer; Dr. William Crysdale of the Hospital for Sick Children; Annette Donovan and Ruth Heenan, two of the 'stewardesses' from the class of '39; Claus Wirsig, president of the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation and June Seymour, new president of the Maple Wings. |
The Barbados load office staff in the photo are, from the left: John Buchanan, John White, David Edwards, Ken White and Robert Roach.
Three join the club.
Three women who joined Air Canada's Paris office back in 1961 were recently reunited to celebrate their 25-year service anniversary and their entry into the station's quarter century club.
In the photo are, from the left: Martine Benchetrit. Communications Coordinator; Michel Schott, Sales Manager, Southern France, who was marking his 20-year service anniversary; Colette Zani, Reservations and Ticket Office Manager and Jacqueline Desaulniers, Finance and Accounting Manager, France. |
Issue dated March 1987.
The crew of the Air Canada/P. Lawson Travel's “Around the World Voyage #2" in B-747 fin # 304. Back row, from the left are: Bob Kent, Commissary Liaison Supervisor; Jack Pentre, Load Support Manager; Greg Lewis, Maintenance Foreman; Flight Attendants Gretha Van der Heyden, Merri Cameron, Helen Kokovay and Marie-Claire Labossiere; Mac Anderson, Flight Service Director; Flight Attendants Julie Cameron and Sonny Tkach; Jan Wegman, Route Operations Supervisor; Bob Rathwell, Project Manager/Special Sales.
Front row: Flight Attendant, Harry Lane; Captain Don Stinson; Flight Attendants Annette Braley, Eileen Shering, Lillian Stack, Willa Davidson and Mary Dohey; Dave Lamb, Line Check Second Officer; Marg Guimond, Coordinator, Current Operations Planning; Flight Attendant Donna Walker; Terry Telenko, Area Commissary & Catering Manager and Captain Jim Chivers, Flight Manager, B-747. |
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
From The Canadian Encyclopedia
CPR acquired 11 aircraft operating companies during 1941 and continued operations under the name United Air Services Ltd. The name was changed on 24 March 1942 to Canadian Pacific Air Lines Ltd. In 1944 it applied for transcontinental status, which it was granted in 1958, when it was allowed to operate a single daily service.
The terms were gradually extended and in 1979 it was given the transcontinental route without restriction.
Hampered by government in its attempt to fly domestically, CP Air expanded internationally from its Vancouver base, appropriating routes that Air Canada, which had the right of first refusal on all external services, did not consider profitable.
Flights were inaugurated to Australia, Japan and Hong Kong (1949); to South America (1953); and to Europe (1955), pioneering the transpolar Vancouver-Amsterdam route. In order to expand quickly enough to compete effectively with Air Canada under a deregulated environment, CP Air purchased Eastern Provincial Airways in 1984 and Nordair in 1985. CP Air was in turn taken over by Pacific Western Airlines in 1987, and the merged carrier was renamed Canadian Airlines International Ltd (CAI).
It later expanded with the purchase of Wardair, a major charter airline that had grown from a bush pilot operation founded by aviation pioneer Max Ward.
Above is some more information on Canadian/Wardair.
(Source: airline-memorabilia.blogspot.com)
Note: scroll down the page to view all the images.
"The Big Dipper Route" by Captain Danny Bereza (Retired).
Danny is a retired check pilot B737 / A320 from Canadian Airlines in 1998.
What do you do if you’re flying through fog over an icy ocean, the nearest land is 200 miles away, your heading gyros disagree by over 20 degrees and your fuel gauges are hovering near zero? Or you’ve been ordered to fly a dying First Nations man to hospital but he’s begging you to take him back to his beloved wilderness to die in peace?
How do to buy the book?
By email direct from the author, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Price is $20.00 including postage.
(Source www.rapcan.ca)
Wayne's Wings
Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
In NetLetter #1418, we have a small piece on Westward Airways in the ‘Odds and Ends’ section.
The aircraft, the Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander, used on the short-lived shuttle service caught my interest so I asked Terry for a few personal details of his knowledge of this aircraft.
Terry responded:
“Just a bit of trivia for you.
The Britten-Norman Islander was manufactured on the Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England.
When I was seconded to Antigua and worked for L.I.A.T. (1974) running their computer department, they had a bunch of Islanders.
The airline was so strapped for money, that various governments gave them aircraft; Canada donated a Dash 8.
Barbuda donated a Trislander, which was a bigger Islander with the third engine in the tail. Barbuda insisted that the aircraft operate between Antigua and Barbuda. Upon arrival, flown from the UK via Iceland and Canada, the pilot had collected his family from the US during transit.
Most of the cabin seats had been removed, and the space was filled with containers of fuel all linked; almost like a flying bomb!
The distance was so short between Antigua and Barbuda that the luggage followed on an Islander. I think the Trislander was either returned or sold later due to operating costs.”
This extremely versatile aircraft was designed and built by De Havilland-trained John Britten and Desmond Norman in 1965 and has been in continuous development ever since. There are currently over 750 in operation around the world.
They recognized the need for a light utility aircraft with an adequate payload to move both passengers and cargo between the numerous islands in Europe and later, North America. Also, it is used in many countries for military and law enforcement operations.
I was not able to find much information regarding Trislanders in service in Canada, however, Ken advised the following:
There are actually 15 Islanders in the current Transport Canada registration database, although 4 show the registrations as cancelled (C-FJJR, C-FKAW, C-GGIY, C-GPPP) leaving 11 with valid current registrations.
Transport Canada registration database
Also, an Ottawa-based operator that uses 2 modified BN-2s in their geophysical survey work all over the world.
Additional Reference:
Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander at Wikipedia
Click on the YouTube icon to take a simulated ride from Hamburg Airport to Sylt Island near Denmark. |
Reader's Feedback
Neil Burton has sent us this information -
B.C. Air Lines, a division of C.A.E. Industries, was the largest airline operating entirely within British Columbia.
Its marketing zone was: “Pacific Thunderbird” and added routes of:
- “Okanagan Thunderbird” – Vancouver, Penticton, Kelowna, Kamloops;
- “Kootenay Thunderbird” – Vancouver, Penticton or Kelowna, Castlegar, Cranbrook;
- “Cariboo Thunderbird” – Kamloops, Williams Lake, Quesnel, Prince George;
- and “Skeena Thunderbird” – Terrace, Smithers, Prince George.
Air service was with the Nord 262 Vistaliner.
From advertising, it appears service was to begin April 30, 1969.
Northwest Industries Limited, of Edmonton, Alberta, of which B.C. Airlines was a subsidiary, was purchased by CAE in 1962.
Pacific Western Airlines negotiated the purchase of B.C. Airlines in July 1970, with expected closure of the deal in mid-August.
President of Pacific Western Airlines was R.H. “Dick” Laidman.
Schedules for P.W.A., including the equipment of B.C. Airlines, were expected to become effective September 15.
Here we have the timetable effective June 1, 1967 from the collection by Bjorn Larsson
Neil Burton, July 15, 2019.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
The Interline Club of Israel is pleased to invite all Interline club members to visit Israel in winter time.
December 4 to 11, 2019
Stay and visit Jerusalem Old & New city, Dead Sea, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Haifa, Acre & many other sites.
Rates in US $: Per person in a double/twin room: $1159.00 Single Supplement: $590.00 Extra night in twin/double per person: $105.00, Single Room $188 HB basis. WACA fee per person: $20.00
Tour includes:
- Five nights’ accommodation at Metropolitan Tel Aviv (4 nights HB, 1 night BB).
- Two nights’ accommodation at Jerusalem Ramada Hotel, HB.
- Four Organized Tours English Speaking Guides.
- One dinner at Tel Aviv restaurant.
Contact www.waca.org for more details. |
Our cartoon is by Dave Mathias which appeared in the "Horizons" magazine issued January 1974.
The caption reads "According to regulations, Mr Finchley, I must assume all you checked in was a black suitcase handle!".
Also, we found this amusing video of a comic expressing his frustration about airline baggage handling. |
Terry Baker |the late Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
NetLetter Staff - 2016
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
We wish to thank Ken Pickford and Bob Sheppard
for contributing their time to proofread each edition.
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Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.