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NetLetter #1437 | May 09, 2020 |
Vietnam Airlines' first Airbus A350
Photo by Long Nyuyen
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Please note: We do our best to identify and credit the original source of all content presented. However, should you recognize your material and are not credited; please advise us so that we can correct our oversight.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
Note: to unsubscribe or change your email address please scroll to the bottom of this email.
NetLetter News
Dear Subscribers,
There is nothing helpful that we can say concerning the COVID-19 virus but it is impossible not to acknowledge that it is affecting all of our lives.
We wish to thank you for allowing us to share a bit of your time and we hope that everyone remains safe and healthy during this difficult time.
The NetLetter Team
We have welcomed 143 new subscribers so far in 2020.
We wish to thank everyone for your support of our efforts.

We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair and many more (let us know if we have omitted your airline).
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.
Coming Events
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds will cross the country to salute Canadians doing their part to fight the spread of COVID-19.
This unique mission is being aptly dubbed Operation Inspiration.
More info at www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca
Subscriber Feedback
Maureen Ryan Swiednicki sends this comment -
Thank you for the NetLetter! I worked for TCA in Dorval.
I enjoy reading of past exploits of the company, which had a family atmosphere in those days.
I remember when we were attempting to fly to Disney World with our five children; we made it. All TCA employees helped as we were all in the same boat (old expression).
My son Lance followed in his father’s footsteps and today he works out of Calgary.
Applause to all of you,
Maureen Ryan Swiednicki
After reading the article in NetLetter #1436 with regard to the "WACA News", Aron Charad sends this amusing narrative regarding the issuance of the WACA newsletter.
Back in 1978 the "WACA News" was produced every 3 months.
The print run was thousands of copies, and were sent to a British Airways contact in London who, in turn, would put them in the airline's company mail to Gerry Philbrook.
All the VP's around the world, pictured in the article, received copies and then sent them to member clubs for distribution.
Now it’s done with a touch of a button to each member. Gotta love technology!!
Submitted Photos
Neil Burton has sent us these two photos of the British Airways Concorde (G-BOAG) at the Seattle Museum of Flight.
Photos were taken in May 2011. It appears this Concorde is now housed inside a building |
And this photo as well –-
Flying Tigers' DC-8 on Air Canada's Cargo Ramp Area - 1976
Pacific Western Airlines' Vancouver Air Cargo operation had a close working relationship with interline carrier Flying Tigers. The sales representative of that carrier had an office in P.W.A.'s warehouse the 1970's.
If memory serves me correctly, the entire off-load of this DC 8 freighter, was to stock the IKEA Home Furnishing's first Canadian outlet on No. 3 Road, Richmond, B.C., in 1976.
Created by: Neil Burton / April 15, 2020. |
Recently, the Dorval (YUL) C & SS group of 33 retirees exchanged greetings. One of whom, Jim Fitz-Morris, is included in this photo.
The photo was labeled "Two hairy guys on night shift" in the computer room at Dorval (YUL) in 1974.
On the left is Doug Mallory with Jim Fitz-Morris on the right, you can tell they are both very busy.
Doug commented -
"What great memories. Fitz and I started on the same day in the 'CRUD' room. And the rest is history!"
Remember When
Ralph Quick shares this memory -
TCA Vickers Viscount Winnipeg 1955.
In the past year there have been stories regarding the venerable Viscount that started service with TCA in April of 1955.
It occurs to me at age 86, I might be one of the only living pilots that knows of this training accident, re: the first aircraft.
In the spring of 1955 I had been laid off by TCA as a junior mechanic after 2 ½ years service. I then, as a commercial pilot with an instructor's rating, was employed by the Winnipeg Flying Club.
Taxiing out with a student one day I was given a front row seat to the following drama.
As we started our taxi for runway 07, I observed the brand new Viscount taking off on runway 18.
It was obviously a training flight as number 1 engine feathered on takeoff and the aircraft continued with the nose wheel pressed firmly on the ground. When we arrived at the button of Runway 07 (on the grass) we were right beside Runway 18. The Viscount had completed its circuit and was landing with the prop feathered. I admired a smooth landing and as the nose wheel touched the pavement the landing gear retracted. As he passed us the number 2 prop departed the aircraft and cartwheeled down the runway ahead of the aircraft as it slid down the runway with the rear door opening before the aircraft came to a stop.
The pilots had run the whole length of the aircraft while it was still sliding and promptly jumped to the pavement and departed rapidly. Seeing everyone was safe I couldn’t restrain a laugh as the scene had a certain comical air to it.
I found out later what had happened. When the number 1 engine was feathered the pilot kept the a/c straight using the nose wheel. After takeoff the gear was selected up with no retraction occurring.
The gear lever was activated both ways several times with no joy. The aircraft landed with three green lights indicating gear down and locked. The nose wheel that had helped the aircraft keep straight on takeoff and was cocked to the side, centered and, because the gear lever had been left in the up position after all the selections, the gear did what it was told and promptly retracted.
The aircraft had been designed that if the nose wheel was not straight the gear would not retract and damage the wheel well.
I cannot recall any mention of this in the newspapers and I do not believe I ever saw or heard any mention of it, but it did happen. So this can be added to the folklore of this fine pioneer aircraft.
Ralph Quick
The NetLetter found this information regarding the incident -
May 16, 1955 CF-TGJ fin 602 c/n 41.
After a three engine training flight the undercarriage collapsed on landing at Winnipeg Airport, Manitoba, Canada.
The aircraft had taken off with three pilots on board, and once airborne the undercarriage was retracted but it stayed in the down position. The undercarriage was cycled down and up but nothing changed. The visual indicators and the three green lights showed that the undercarriage was safely locked down.
On landing the undercarriage slowly retracted resulting in lower fuselage and propeller damage and shock load damage to the Rolls-Royce Dart engines.
The cause of the initial failure to retract the undercarriage was not determined, but the collapse on landing was due to the undercarriage select lever being left in the 'up' position.
Repaired and returned to service.
(Source: www.vickersviscount.net)
Larry Harris sends us this memory -
In 1967-68 the pulp mill at Powell River conducted a major construction program.
A lot of the workers came from out of town and during the week they stayed in camp, but liked to get home for the weekends.
PWA scheduled an extra section on Friday afternoons between Powell River (YPW) and Vancouver (YVR) with a return flight on Sundays to accommodate those that wanted to get home. On one occasion the aircraft they were using that day was a DC-3.
The plane arrived and shut down the engines and shortly after that the 32 passengers were loaded and the pilot was given the go-ahead to start the engines.
Sadly the batteries had died during the shut-down and we were stuck as Powell River did not have a ground power unit and a car certainly would not work.
Agent Tom Bond remembered seeing something done with a length of rope to help get the engine going. We rounded up about 100 feet of rope and Tom climbed a ladder up towards the front of the engine.
The DC-3 propeller has a cone at the center of it covering the bolts that hold the propeller in place. Tom proceeded to wrap the rope around the spinner tightly and told the pilot to hit the starter switch when the rope comes off and the prop is spinning.
As all the passengers were now outside watching, we got about 20 of them to pull on the rope. It didn’t take long for the rope to come off and the prop was spinning at a great speed. The pilot hit the starter switch and the result was one, well running, engine. The second engine powered off the first so it did not need the rope.
Shortly after that the 32 passengers boarded the plane and were whisked off to Vancouver (YVR).
Women in Aviation
June 21, 1913:
Georgia "Tiny" Broadwick is the first woman to jump from an aircraft, dropping from 2,000 feet in Los Angeles.
(Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_Broadwick) |
Issue dated September 2015 (with permission).
Attending a Women in Aviation International (WAI) conference during 2015 allows you to hear fascinating stories from special guest speakers – such as a 90-year-old grandmother who got her pilot’s licence at age 60; the woman survivor of a military aircraft crash in the Arctic; a female astronaut who served on the International Space Station; the first female CF-18 pilot; the first female Snowbird pilot and many others.
At this year’s Canadian Chapter of WAI conference, the attendees were, from left to right:
First Officer Kim Winsor, Captain Suzanne Pettigrew, Captain Rosella Bjornson, Captain Judy Cameron, Flight Dispatcher Denise Egglestone, Manager Process Improvement, Donna Volpini, First Officer Lisa Graham and First Officer Heather Jennings.
Air Canada News
Star Alliance News
Air New Zealand to put economy travellers to sleep.
Air New Zealand has unveiled a ground-breaking new lie-flat prototype sleep product for economy class travellers.
The Economy Skynest, which provides six full length lie-flat sleep pods, is the result of three years of Air New Zealand research and development.
In preparation for its upcoming Auckland-New York service, which is planned at up to 17 hours 40 minutes one way, the airline is committed to putting more magic back into flying. A clear pain point for economy travellers on long-haul flights is the inability to stretch out. The development of the Economy Skynest is a direct response to that challenge,” says Chief Marketing and Customer Officer Mike Tod.
Air New Zealand will make a final decision on whether to operate the Economy Skynest next year after it has assessed the performance of its inaugural year of Auckland-New York operations.
Source: Auckland, New Zealand, February 26, 2020
Additional Info:
TCA/AC People Gallery
2016 - June -
Commencement of service between Vancouver and Brisbane, Australia with Boeing 787-8 equipment.
Humanitarian Relief for Haiti.
Under the leadership of Air Canada’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Duncan Dee, our employees moved quickly and effectively to provide aid to the people of Haiti following the devastating 2010 earthquake.
Air Canada undertook six relief flights to the quake zone, the first mission taking place just four days after the initial earthquake. We transported 183,650 kilograms of relief supplies, evacuated 777 Canadians, and provided transport and medical support for the evacuation of 89 Haitian adoptees.
In May 2010 Air Canada employees helped clothe more than 1000 children in three orphanages in Haiti.
(Source: Citizens of the World 2011 edition)
Continuing the Time Travel: 75 Years in Events. Started in NetLetter #1419.
1965 - Covered Passenger Walkways
Staying toasty: Air Canada is the first airline to install covered passenger walkways linking terminals and aircraft in 1965.
(Source: moments.aircanada.com/timeline)
Editor's note: Ken Pickford advises that the covered walkway concept actually dates back to the late 1950's.
Much more on that subject in this interesting article:
An excellent website for anyone interested in airport history. Includes many rare photos not found elsewhere. The founder of that Montreal-based site is a Dutch chap who was an airports expert for IATA until fairly recently. His site has several articles on Canadian airport history. It's worth subscribing to his updates.
Issue dated April 1990.
When we talk of Customer Care, we have a tendency to think of smiling Flight Attendants, eager Customer Sales & Service Agents, and others who deal directly with the flying public.
However, there are groups of employees who support these front-line people in their Customer Care efforts.
They may not make it in a video or a commercial but they are no less important. One such group is the team of 24 employees in Printing Services who are dedicated to excellence every day.
They print a lot of the paper items we use on a regular basis, from ACF forms to all manuals and even aeronautical charts. In fact, in 1989, they produced 73 million impressions, not including plates, microfilm, duplicates, etc.
The Printing Services team is made up of (from left to right, starting with back row):
Alain Dakin, Dan Sergent, Andy Bertram, Gord Bonner, Carry Lennon, Mervin Hernandez, Alain Moreau, Irene Boland, Kevin Horan, Kathy Glaser, Glen Trotter, Ralf Beffert, Bruce Bowman, Josie Farkas, Corrie Wesselius, Brenda Bartram, Vic Roberts, Frank Stosiak, Angie Stevens, Rena Brunelle, Don Lowe and Monique Stonehouse.
Missing from the photo are Frank Butler and Ted Thurston.
Farewell from North Bay.
It was an emotional evening for North Bay staff who got together to bid each other farewell when the station closed in February, 1990.
Four employees retired and the rest transferred to other stations across the system - Saint John, Fredericton, Halifax. Ottawa and Charlottetown.
In the photo are: (standing, back row, left to right):
Station Attendants Andy Walsh, Ted Ewles and Bob Cleroux; Certificated Station Agents Dave Wood, Art Walsh and Garry McGuire; Station Attendant Henry Cleroux.
Seated in front are (left to right):
Certificated Station Agents Fern Langlois and Merl McAndrew; Marg Moody, Administrative Support; George Ralph, Station Attendant; Joe Gatti, Manager, North Bay and Bob Dufresne, Acting Certificated Station Agent.
Missing from the photo are: Edna Scott, Helene and Pentti Haanpaa, Len Greeraner and Ken Gibson.
G'day from Thunder Bay.
If you are one of those who thinks that Air Canada no longer served Thunder Bay in 1990 - you 're mistaken. Although we no longer fly to the Ontario cities of Timmins. Sudbury, North Bay and Windsor, we continue to serve Thunder Bay; so let's introduce some of our staff.
At the check-in counter are (left to right):
Customer Sales and Service Agents Brenda Lamoureux, Victoria Farrow, Lolly Morgan, Byron Halliday, Sandie Coates, Lucy Valente, Lorraine Lepage and Lead Station Attendant Morgan Brown.
A Global anniversary.
January 15, 1990 was an important milestone in Air Canada's history, as it marked the fifth anniversary of our global service to Bombay and Singapore.
Getting ready to slice into the anniversary cake and welcome the passengers to Singapore are, from left to right:
Andy Narayan, Selene Lam, Margaret Leow, Tony Lee (behind Margaret), Daisy Kuek, Sanda Kumary, Linda Chee (behind Sanda), Rick St. Maurice, May Faridah, Serene Law, Judy Chak (behind Serene), Elinda Gan and April Tan.
Issue dated June 1990.
The Caribbean Load Office, affectionately known as 'Barbados Load', was opened on December 1, 1986 to provide weight and balance coverage for all flights operating into Bermuda, Nassau, Freeport, Kingston, Montego Bay, Port of Spain, St. Lucia and of course Barbados.
Antigua was added in the spring of 1987 and Martinique and Guadeloupe came on stream during the summer of 1987. Governor's Harbour in the Bahamas was added late in 1989.
In our photo we have:
Barbados District Manager John Buchanan is shown (top left) with Caribbean Load Office staff. They are (clockwise): Tessa Mason, David Edwards, Robert Roach, John White and Ken White.
Chicago's load office skilled at balance.
Many travellers think that baggage, mail and cargo are loaded into an aircraft in much the same fashion as one packs a suitcase; heaped 'helter-skelter' until the ground crew leans on the door to click it shut. But a visit to our new state-of-the-art US Load Services office in the Chicago suburb of Schiller Park is enough to banish that idea.
In our photo, Load employees are: (standing, left to right) Marlene Souffrant, Secretary; Joanne Jamison, Certified Load Agent; Pat Moore, Manager, Load Services and Certified Load Agents Beverly Sands and Penelope Sokolowski.
And seated (same order) are: Robert Greene, Certified Load Agent; Michael Kelpsch, Lead Certified Load Agent; Astrid Samachson, Certified Load Agent and Tom Markley, Lead Certified Load Agent.
In-Flight Service earns award.
Air Canada has been named the runner-up in an international airline competition for outstanding in-flight service, conducted by Onboard Services, a leading passenger service trade magazine.
This competition, then in its fourth year, recognizes outstanding and innovative in-flight service offered during the past 12 months. At the 1990 annual gathering of the In-Flight Food Services Association in Las Vegas, we were awarded the certificate of commendation for a second place finish in the 'overall' category - just behind British Airways, which took top prize for its new First Class service.
An article in the then current issue of Onboard Services praises Air Canada’s Business Class service that included the new 'flex meal' - a cold lobster plate that a passenger can order at any time during a long-haul or international flight.
"Air Canada has made a long-term commitment to providing outstanding customer service in the air and on the ground and this prestigious award demonstrates that our employees' hard work is paying off," says President Pierre J. Jeanniot.
The award was presented to Bernie Miller, Vice President, In-Flight Service in Las Vegas by Jim O'Neil of Onboard Services magazine. As with any product presented on our flights, there is much behind the scenes preparation that goes into it. Featured here are some of the key In-Flight Service employees involved in the development of the Executive Class service introduced on the domestic and trans-Atlantic routes last February, 1990.
In the photo, sitting are: Ted D'Arcy, Director, Catering Cabin Environment (left) and Bernard Claudel, Manager, Dining Services.
Standing from left to right: John Lowe, Area Commissary & Catering Manager, Canada; Pierre Belleau, Communication & Procedures Supervisor; Valiery Holland, Procedures & Stowages Specialist; Tony Magalhaes, A/Commissary & Catering Equipment Control Supervisor; Ginette Morel, Area Commissary & Catering Manager, System; Art Ainscow, A/Manager, Commissary & Catering Operations; Pierre Bourbonnière, Product Support Manager; Guylaine Lavoie, Supervisor, Catering Development; Norm Klemm, Manager, Product Support & Communication; Gabrielle Dumas; Procedures & Stowages Specialist, and Fernando Giner, Procedures & Stowages Manager.
Issue dated August 1990.
The ultra Western U.S. -
Every year, 45 million people pass through Los Angeles International Airport.
Since less than one per cent of them are carried by Air Canada the airline cannot claim high visibility. However, Jim Gould, General Manager, Western U.S. is convinced that care is the key to a higher presence in California and across the system.
In a joint meeting with the Los Angeles and San Francisco steering committees, composed of airport customer service agents, the Airport Managers and the District/General Managers, the notion of care was discussed in depth.
Rather than concentrate solely on prizes and awards for great moments of care, Los Angeles created the Royal Air Canada Pursuit Squadron - sort of a Hall of Fame for still active players. So rare it is composed of five employees and 11 customer members from major accounts. All nominations come from peers.
Above we have this photo of the founding members. |
This photo is of Bill McGee, the newest member of the Royal Air Canada Pursuit Squadron, getting ready for his inaugural flight.
Editor's note: Does anyone know if the squadron still exists and are there any more stories to share?
Issue dated October 1990.
Twins have identical careers.
Although they no longer share the same last name there is little else that sets Deanne McGowan and Denise Wills apart.
For not only are they identical twins, Deanne (left) and Denise are both Toronto-based Flight Attendants and this has led to some amusing and confusing incidents with passengers and fellow crew members.
But, as one colleague notes in a little poem:
"It's hard to know the difference,
'Cause mostly they're the same
Their charm, their wit, their karma
'Super-duper' is their middle name".
Greetings from Zagreb.
On hand to welcome our passengers to Zagreb are Klaus Berg, Manager, Yugoslavia and Passenger Agent Gordana Mirjanic.
In the "Horizons" magazine issue dated September 1991, we found this article -
His memory lives on.
For the first time in Air Canada’s history, an aircraft has been dedicated to the memory of an employee.
Captain Pete Dzulinsky, who died suddenly four days after delivering the company’s first A320 Airbus to Canada, will be remembered through a commemorative plaque which was installed on aircraft 201 near the Executive Class starboard bulkhead.
The plaque, which was the result of a suggestion by Dorval's Flight Operations group, was designed by Doug Wood, Manager, Communications - Flight Operations and produced by Flight Operations Photomechanical Services and the Technical Operations Machine Shop.
Special thanks go out to all those people, too numerous to mention, who helped make the plaque a reality.
Editor's note: Articles from NL # 1324 & NL # 1435 focused on Fin # 201.
We found an image of the plaque posted on Twitter by Steve Hayman.
Editor's note: Does anyone know if the plaque remained with the aircraft after retirement?
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Neil Burton sent us this information from the Pacific Western Airlines Flightlines – March 4, 1986, page 15.
Pacific Western Holidays Goes Supersonic.
Pacific Western Holidays has signed an exclusive agreement with British Airways to bring the Concorde to Vancouver. This summer program will utilize the supersonic aircraft on flights between Vancouver and London, England.
It is the first time the Concorde has operated in or out of Vancouver on a passenger-carrying basis and will be the most exciting flight program offered in Canada this year. Western Canadians will be able to join the supersonic jet-set and sample the unique and unforgettable experience of flying in this aircraft that has proven to be a tribute to man’s engineering genius.
From May 1 to August 6 passengers can fly on any British Airways’ scheduled B-747 flight from Vancouver to London and return on the Supersonic Concorde from London to Vancouver on August 7. Alternatively, passengers may fly from Vancouver to London aboard the Concorde on August 11 and return on any British Airways’ scheduled B-747 flight from London to Vancouver on any date up to October 31. There are three fare choices: first class $5,325 return; super club $4,325 return and tourist, $3,700 return.
These flights can be booked through Pacific Western reservations. Employee passes can not be used for these flights.
Pacific Western Holidays, together with British Airways brought the Concorde to Vancouver as a tribute to Expo ‘86 and to celebrate Vancouver’s 100th anniversary.
Concorde Demonstrations: The Concorde will be part of the program at the Abbotsford Airmada on August 8, 9, and 10 this year. It will perform one demonstration each day at approximately 1600 hours. Earlier each day there will be two-hour “Flights to Nowhere” over the Pacific.
Pacific Western Holidays have sold all three flights to Chevron Canada Resources Ltd.
They will be awarding the seats on the Concorde “Flights to Nowhere” as a gas promotion throughout British Columbia.
Cheers, Neil Burton, April 10, 2020
Issue dated August 1989.
Wardair announced that it is suspending service from Toronto/Edmonton/Vancouver to Amsterdam effective October 1, 1989.
Honolulu Softball
Airline employees from across Canada and the U.S. met in Honolulu November 13, 14 and 15, 1989 for a softball tournament. Tournament organizers include Wardair employees Marko Generalovic and Frank Caira. The three day series is being billed as the fourth annual Labatts Blue Airline Softball Classic.
(No further details were found - eds)
Issue dated March 1991.
Winnipeg's civilized T3 promotion.
Eight Winnipeg flight attendants volunteered to work with the sales department on a Winnipeg travel agency promotion.
Armed with bags of "civilized" T3 buttons on the terminal's opening day (Feb. 21, 1991) the group visited more than 80 travel agencies to present each agent with a button.
Featured in the photo, Kym Camarta and Geoff Clydesdale both of Winnipeg Sales and local flight attendants, David Wheeler, Nicole Betournay, John Perdue, Irene DeBlonde, Maria Rose and Tamara Michaleski.
Missing from photo were flight attendants Wendy Maximilian and Gailene Korotash.
Found on the pwareunion.com web site -
Submitted by Hasse Marthinsen.
February 29, 2020 - C-GSPW a/c 783 - Still Flying for Air Inuit.
This is our B737-275C now owned by Air Inuit. This airplane is still flying in Canada under the same registry for Air Inuit. These pictures were taken the other day in YUL. It is the pride of the fleet.
It still flies in a combi configuration. It has been fitted with an EFIS system upgrade. Just great to see.
I worked in YXD in 1967 for 2 years and the rest in YVR as a learner, mechanic, crew chief and supervisor in maintenance.
Featured Video(s)
This is a good time to feature something sweet and adorable. We could all use a smile right now.
Click the image below to view an Air New Zealand safety video entitled:
Janey makes a new friend and embarks on A Journey to Safety.
Odds and Ends
The Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada has signed a contract with PCL Construction to build their new 86,000 square foot home in time for a late 2021 opening. With this milestone met, the Museum is set to break ground this spring and will be located adjacent to the Richardson International Airport on the Wellington Avenue loop.
(Source: CAHS National Newsletter March 2020).
An American Pioneer of Soaring Flight: John J. Montgomery.
Among the pioneers of aeronautics who contributed their share to the realization of powered flight there is one name which has nearly fallen into oblivion, that of Professor John J. Montgomery of Santa Clara College, California whose investigations into the science of soaring flight and inherent stability deserve that his name be placed in the Annals of Aviation along with Lilienthal, Pilcher, Chanute and Ferber.
Attention has just been called to Montgomery's early work through an investigation made by Assistant Attorney General Huston Thompson and W. D. Eakin, who will defend the Government against the suit recently filed in the United States Court of Claims by the heirs of the last Montgomery.
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology 100+ Archive, April 1, 1918.
Additional info:
www.aviationweek.com, April 8, 2020
Quest for Flight: John J. Montgomery and the Dawn of Aviation in the West
Name this airline – answer in Terry's Trivia below.
Wayne's Wings

Passing the time on YouTube
You’ve heard this before; I spend way too much time on the internet, particularly, YouTube.
However, in this time of self-isolation, at least I don’t feel quite as guilty about it.
In my article for NetLetter #1408 about some very entertaining YouTube channels dedicated to aviation, I featured Alex Praglowski’s excellent channel which has grown very nicely over the past few years.
Alex reports on his in-flight experiences with wonderful enjoyment.
Following are a few more of my favourite time passers that I recommend you check out.
Located in Vancouver, this channel is co-founded by Henry Tenby who has been producing high quality aviation videos for several years. Henry is now sharing much of his work via this channel. He has a strong appreciation of history and narrates his videos with enthusiasm
Also, you may wish to visit: JetFlix.tv or HenryTenby.com
eye trapper
See video link below of a rare landing of Vietnam Airlines at YVR.
Also located in Vancouver, this channel features videos from YVR (my second home for most of my career). I really enjoy seeing the familiar surroundings from YVR’s numerous vantage points and this channel provides great camera work, capturing the beauty of Richmond B.C.‘s ‘Sea Island’.
Here is my article on YVR in NetLetter #1404.
CYUL Plane Spotter
Located in Montreal, we have linked to a few of Mark Brandon’s videos in past issues.
Simple Flying
Located in the U.K, this is a very insightful channel with videos from the SimpleFlying.com website.
You can also sign up for a daily newsletter with airline news from around the world.
Just Planes
Located in the United States, this channel features some fantastic cockpit views from a variety of airlines all over the world. They often feature female pilots and the flight crews always seem to be really enjoying the interaction with the film crew.
Vietnam Airlines Airbus A350 landing in YVR - click to view YouTube video from eye trapper
Additional info from Ken Pickford:
The Vietnam Airlines A350 stop at YVR on April 30 was a fuel stop on the return trip of a repatriation flight from Hanoi to Toronto, carrying Canadians stranded in Vietnam on the outbound trip due to COVID-19 and suspension of most air service, and carrying Vietnamese stranded in Canada on the return trip.
It operated nonstop Hanoi-Toronto with the YVR fuel stop on the return trip. A second repatriation flight to YVR is operating on Friday, May 8.
Additional details available from:
There are many, many more. These are just a few of my favourite subscriptions and sources for article material.
If you already have a Google account (Gmail address) then subscribing is easy; just click the ‘Subscribe’ button and, if you wish to receive new videos notifications, click on the bell.
While we do our civic duty and follow the advice of health care professionals, why not make this time constructive and enjoyable.
Please take care, stay safe and, once again, thank you for spending some of your time with us.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
NASA has developed an experimental fully electric plane with 14 motors on its wings.
NASA decided to embark on this X-57 Maxwell project as it started seeing an increase in accessibility to light yet "reliable" motors and motor controllers.
The aircraft is powered by two 400-pound lithium-ion battery packs in the cabin that contain 23 kilowatt hours of power.
(Source: msn.com April 7, 2020)
Answer for the mystery airline in 'Odds and Ends'.
Austrian Airlines was founded in 1957, when Air Austria and Austrian Airways merged.
The NetLetter Team

Wayne Albertson, Ken Pickford & Terry Baker
Richmond, British Columbia - December 2019
(Bob Sheppard was not available for the photograph)
We wish to honour the memories of
Vesta Stevenson and Alan Rust.
They remain a part of every edition published.
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