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NetLetter #1446 | September 26, 2020 |
Ilyushin Il-62 Registration B-2024
at the Beijing Aviation Museum
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Please note: We do our best to identify and credit the original source of all content presented. However, should you recognize your material and are not credited; please advise us so that we can correct our oversight.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
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NetLetter News
We have welcomed 242 new subscribers so far in 2020.
We wish to thank everyone for your support of our efforts.

We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair, Air BC, Time Air, Quebecair, Calm Air, NWT Air, Air Alliance, Air Nova, Air Ontario and Air Georgian and many more (let us know if we have omitted your airline).
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.
Subscriber Feedback
Tony Coleman refers to the video by Hans Sittler in NetLetter # 1444 regarding the "AC Winter Games" and sends us this memory -
Believe the event was in 2001. I was there and it was before I retired in 2002.
Tony Coleman.
(Editor's note: We checked the past issues of the "Horizons" magazine issued around that time, but no report was made.)
In NetLetter #1445, our 'Featured Video' was about the opening of the Vernon, B.C. airport and was suggested by Neil Burton.
After the distribution of that issue, we received this follow up information from Neil -
Found an old email in my file for then Squadron Leader Earl Leslie MacLeod, R.C.A.F. and it reads:
From me to his son, John
Your father, S/L. MacLeod, and Flt. Lt. A. D’Niverille, accompanied by two NCO pilots (in training), Sgt. H. Bryant of Vancouver, and Sgt. J.D. Hunter of Hamilton, flew two flying boats to the opening of the Vernon Airport (Mission Hill). They arrived in Vernon, Tuesday, 29 September 1931.
John’s response was:
Dad’s log book indicates he was flying a Vedette 116. It also indicates the following timing and personnel:
28 September - Vancouver to Kamloops with Hunter as 2nd pilot and Nicolson as mechanic.
29 September - Kamloops to Vernon with Hunter as 2nd pilot and Nicholson as mechanic.
01 October - Local at Vernon with Carter Guest as 2nd pilot and Johnson as passenger.
02 October - Vernon to Kamloops and Kamloops to Chilliwack with Hunter as 2nd pilot and Nicholson as mechanic.
03 October - Chilliwack to Vancouver with Hunter as 2nd pilot and Nicholson as mechanic.
Advertising of the opening referred to it as the Interior Provincial Air Pageant. Hope this adds additional information to the opening of the airport in 1931.
Cheers, Neil Burton, 08 September 2020.
Seeing the photo of the PWA B-767 in NetLetter #1445 reminded Najam Jafri of this memory -
Both PWA 767's were acquired by AC and were given fin no’s 671 and 672.
I remember working on those.
Najam Jafri.
Submitted Photos
Mary Ellen Harrison (Wilson) has sent us a few circa 1950 postcards from her scrapbook -
Terminal at Sydney Airport, Nova Scotia.
Shown are two T.C.A. North Stars and a T.C.A. DC-3 on the ramp.
Caption on the reverse reads -
"Situated between Sydney and Glace Bay, operated by the Department of Transport, a point of call for T.C.A. planes and used by all Transatlantic Air Services".
Administration building, Municipal Airport, Edmonton, Alberta. |
Municipal Airport, Calgary.
Caption on reverse reads -
"Calgary Alberta, is proud of having one of the most modern Airport Terminals in Canada".
Winnipeg Air Terminal, Stevenson Field, Winnipeg showing TCA North Star DC-4-M2 CF-TFA fin # 201.
(Editor's note: This aircraft was delivered on October 1, 1947 and sold to Lineas Aereas Unidas SA on August 21, 1961).
Remember When
Jack Morath sends this memory -
My picture below shows the TCA office building on the North Side of the London Heathrow airport (LHR) during the 1950's.
It was alongside the Bath Road with the Air Hostess pub almost opposite.
The Air Hostess was situated on Bath Road. This pub was previously known as The Brickmakers Arms. It was demolished in the late 1980's; a branch of McDonald's now stands on the site.
(Source: www.closedpubs.co.uk/middlesex/harlington_airhostess.html)
The Three Magpies pub was nearer to the office.
(Source: tripadvisor.ca/Restaurant_Review)
Larry Harris shares this memory with us -
"Parka Misidentification."
In February 1974, the main runway at Terrace BC (YXT) was experiencing an early spring breakup. It was damaged by frost heaves, broken asphalt and major cracks.
CP Air decided it was too rough to take the B-737 into there so they contracted Pacific Western to run a CV640 to and from Vancouver.
I don't know why they didn't use CP staff to operate the flight, but PWA had to also supply the agents. Myself and Al Tonn out of Kelowna went into Terrace to be the agents.
One Friday night after work we decided to go for a beer. It was cold and snowing so we wore our airline parkas. The only difference between airline parkas and RCMP parkas was that the RCMP had shoulder patches identifying them as RCMP.
The first pub we went to was called Lakelse. The room was packed with the younger crowd and they were not smoking regular cigarettes. You couldn't see five feet in front of you as the smoke was so thick.
As soon as we walked in, the room went deathly silent. We walked through and as we could not find a table decided to go to the Terrace hotel. As soon as we left the Lakelse the noise level increased to a deafening level.
When we got to Terrace hotel pub there was plenty of seating so we sat in a corner with our backs to a wall. The server came over and rather than take our order told us we better get out.
After asking him why, he told us that they don't serve "Narc's", short for undercover drug police officers. It took a little while to convince him that we were not "Narc's" but were actually airline agents. As a result of that we never bought another beer for the remaining 2 months we were there.
I don't know who paid the bill, but we drank a lot of beer, and never wore our parkas anywhere other than the airport.
Women in Aviation
In NetLetter #1444 we published details of the commemorative stamps issued by the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines in order to celebrate Canadian women pilots representing various flying careers.
Here we have another stamp.
Emily Crombez, the first Canadian female pilot to crew the CL-415 to fight forest fires says, "Firefighting involves scooping up many loads of water and dropping them in a specified fire target area, while often encountering updrafts, turbulence and smoke. You are heavy and slow, performing steep manoeuvres, exercises you are usually taught to avoid."
The Emily Crombez stamp was launched on June 19, 2020 at the Tillsonburg Airport, the anniversary of Emily’s first solo on floats.
We invite you to help celebrate Emily Crombez's remarkable career by using this beautiful stamp.
(Source: (canadian99s.com/stamps/)
Air Canada News
You can make a one-time change without a fee for all new or existing bookings made through September 30, 2020, for original travel between March 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021.
(Source: AirCanada.com)
This article highlights five reasons why sitting next to someone on a plane is low risk:
- Government health screening and departure biosafety measures minimize this.
- Cabin air flows downwards and is fully renewed with fresh air every two to three minutes.
- Personal overhead ventilation can strengthen downward air flow.
- All passengers face forwards, not at each other.
- Face coverings are a proven and effective barrier and should be worn throughout the travel process.
(Source: AC Daily, August 20, 2020)
Complimentary Manulife COVID-19 insurance.
Starting September 17, 200, new round-trip international flight bookings until and including October 31, 2020 with Air Canada will include complimentary COVID-19 emergency medical and quarantine insurance underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (“Manulife”), Canada’s largest provider of travel insurance.
Learn more about this new coverage from Manulife and our other safety measures you can contact Manulife by calling a Manulife customer service representative at 1-866-521-8506 or emailing them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More details available at AirCanada.com
One of our favourite videographers, Alex Praglowski (with a little help from Mark Brandon) has posted a very informative video on flying domestically during COVID-19. |
for the latest posts at the Air Canada Mediaroom. |
Click the logo to open the Air Canada YouTube channel. |
Star Alliance News
Our member airlines include many of the world’s top aviation companies as well as smaller regional airlines.
Together, they offer easy connections to almost any destination in the world. Each airline maintains its own individual style and cultural identity, bringing the richness of diversity and multiculturalism to the alliance.
At the same time each airline shares a common dedication to the highest standards of safety and customer service.
TCA/AC People Gallery
Here is the cover of the enRoute magazine issued November 2013.
Ottawa literary scene stacks up.
(Source: issuu.com)
From the “Horizons” magazine |
Issue dated May 1994.
A Seoulful First
Air Canada's first transpacific flight winged its way to Seoul, Korea on May 16, 1994, inaugurating the three-time weekly service aboard B-747-400 combi aircraft.
"In preparing to launch our new service to Korea, we have taken unprecedented measures to ensure that Asian passengers will feel at home aboard Air Canada," said Douglas Port, Vice President, Passenger Marketing and Sales.
"We have worked hard to tailor our service to meet the requirements and expectations of our passengers in this market."
Issue dated June 1994.
Fond Farewells
The Canadian Air Line Pilots Association (CALPA) rolled out the red carpet for the last DC-8 freighter by holding a farewell party at Toronto's B-747 hangar. Employees paid their respects and traded DC-8 tall tales.
Captain Ross Emmans and his crew had the distinction of operating Air Canada's last DC-8 freighter flight across the Atlantic. They flew from Zurich to Prestwick and then on to Toronto.
This was also the airline’s last scheduled flight through Prestwick after about 50 years of operation. Captain Emmans was presented with a Scottish memento, a tartan 'tammy'.
In the photo below are, from left to right:
Jim McCall, Cargo Sales Manager; First Officer Colt Archer; Second Officer Juergen Kuehnen; Captain Ross Emmans; Ian Dawson, Cargo Sales and Service Coordinator; Willie Kerr, Commissary Coordinator; Dave Auld, Cargo Sales and Service Coordinator; Colin Kennedy, Cargo Sales and Service Agent and Constable Willie Kennedy.
Service Anniversaries total 70 years.
The 'ARTOS' project was put on hold to celebrate three service anniversaries.
The three ladies receiving congratulatory wishes are (left to right): Lillian Norcott, Supervisor, Data Management/ARTOS Business Analyst (25 years); Maureen Brown, Group Leader (25 years) and Christine Legault, Buyer, Soft goods/ARTOS Business Analyst (20 years).
They are surrounded by (left to right): Harry Hall, Project Manager; Bruce MacCoubrey, General Manager - Purchasing & Supply; Joe Mallory, Director, I.T. - Tech Ops. and Corp. Services; Al Kurys, Project Manager and Jake Levesque, Project Director.
RESIII training was conducted in Port of Spain, Trinidad for representatives from various Caribbean islands.
Al Graham, Vice President, Customer Service and Eileen McCoy, General Manager, Customer Service - U.S. and South attended to provide some words of encouragement.
From left to right: Les Nanton, Antigua; Tony St. Hill, Barbados; Ali Ferdinand, St. Lucia; Cliffe West, Port of Spain; Ben Ngafuk, Port of Spain; Gillian Jack, Port of Spain; Eileen McCoy, Miami; Kawal Singh, Port of Spain; Lorna Lord, Port of Spain; Tom Wallace, Port of Spain; Sandra Grant, Barbados; David Greenidge, Barbados; Indra Mahraj, Port of Spain; Dean Demontbrun, Port of Spain; Marie-Claire Maille, Guadeloupe; Errol Dhanpath, Port of Spain; Amela Samlal, Port of Spain and Al Graham, Montreal.
Issue dated July 1994.
In 1994, Air Canada celebrated six months of service to India. Hollis Harris, Chairman, President and C.E.O. visited with New Delhi airport staff to mark the occasion.
In the photo below we have New Delhi Airport, Reservations and Sales staff along with several training instructors from London who joined in the inaugural celebrations.
And in this photo, from left to right: Customer Service Agents Venky Venkatraman and Sujoy Ghosh; Hollis Harris; Customer Service Agents Anil Marwah, Madhu Pawar, Joseph D'Cunha and Ash Handa. |
Way to go team.
The Air Canada Vancouver Dragon Flys joined over 100 international teams in the 1994 annual Dragon Boat Festival in Vancouver.
As reported by Karen Pawliuk.
This year's race attracted teams from as far away as Germany, England and Australia. The Dragon Flys put on a good show, placing third in one of the heats, only three seconds behind the first place boat.
The race was a gruelling three minutes, with all 20 paddlers striking the water in unison, striving to guide the 1,400-pound boat at a beat of 72 strokes per minute. This is definitely a water sport and not for anyone concerned about having a bad hair day.
In this photo we have, front row, left to right: Terry Glass, Dorothy Stauffer, Caro Clark, David Young and George Agnew.
Second row: Karen Pawliuk, Anne-Marie Cathcart, Leslie Poulin, Karen Friedrich, Jack Harland and Todd Wagner.
Back row: Bill Devlin, Earl Einarson, Monica Webb, Danny Budihardjo, Andrea Piscopo, Ian Watt, Wayne McIntyre, Sybil Wyle and Walter Low.
Missing from the photo are: Andrea Stapleton, Doug Garey, Anne Senko and Sharen Rogers.
Stetsons and bagpipes for inaugural.
Western Stetsons and Scottish bagpipes may seem a strange mixture, but it's not every day that Air Canada inaugurates service from Glasgow to Calgary and Vancouver. The new route began on June 19, 1994, and continued throughout that summer.
The inaugural crew for flight AC847: Flight Attendants M. Hilson, L. Flather, N. Saunders, A. Connolly and C. Middlestead; Captain R. Shortlil and First Officer Phil Lacey.
TCA Alumni reunion.
The 23rd Annual Reunion of the TCA Alumni was held November 22-25, 1994 at the Trade Winds Resort in St. Petersburg, Florida. All former TCA employees were invited to attend the reunion. Membership dues are $5.00, single or couple. The TCA Alumni President was Frank Gormley, of Saint John, New Brunswick.
A pandemic isn’t going to stop the Dorval Base AC Technical Shops group from getting together - in an appropriately distanced manner.
Each second Wednesday, weather permitting, Gaby Castellani arranges for about two dozen of this Quebec District group to have an outdoor “COVID breakfast”. Under the shade of some trees - and the watchful eyes of two bike police on this day - they enjoy one another’s company and summer weather.
(Source: Air Canada Pionairs newsletter)
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Our 'Featured Video' comes from the Simple Flying YouTube channel. It describes the aircraft development in the former Soviet Union.
Also, for more information, visit the Simple Flying website for A Brief History Of Soviet Jets.
Odds and Ends
Annual Runway Run at Toronto International Airport (YYZ). |
2014 YYZ Runway Run.
Run of Saturday June 14, 2014 was the 7th annual running of this event, which started in 2007.
Click the image below for the YouTube video posted by GetOutThereMagazine.
2015 YYZ Runway Run.
Late September, a team from Flight Operations joined 3,000 runners for the sold out 8th annual 5K Pearson Runway Run.
The race was completed under ideal conditions on runway 06L/24R while taking in active traffic on 06R/24L. The team included both first-time racers and veteran runners, many who ran personal bests.
(Source: From the "Horizons magazine Issued November 2015). (used with permission)
2017 YYZ Runway Run.
This year marked the 10th anniversary of the Toronto Pearson Runway Run, and we welcomed over 2,500 participants for a unique opportunity to participate in a 2km walk or a 5km run on Runway 06R/24L.
Thanks to all the runners, walkers, and volunteers who came out to make our 10th Annual Runway Run such a huge success. All participants were treated to incredible views and up close encounters with the equipment, people and animals who make Toronto Pearson a world-class airport!
2018 YYZ Runway Run was a Success!
Thanks to the almost 2,500 neighbours who joined us for our 11th annual Toronto Pearson Runway Run in either the 5km run or 2km.
We would also like to thank our many sponsors as well as our 200 amazing volunteers and staff who made the event such a success.
2019 YYZ Runway Run was the 12th annual run.
Saturday, September 21, 2019, we had 2,200 community members join us for the 12th Annual Runway Run. This annual event lets participants experience a one-of-a-kind opportunity to run 5K or walk 2K on the runway.
Thank you to our participants, 26 sponsors, and over 200 volunteers who helped make this event a success!
It was with sadness that, due to Covid19, the 13th annual run for September 2020 was cancelled, but plans are going ahead for 2021.
Check this web site for information: torontopearson.com/en/community/programs/runway-run
Boeing 737 MAX with a few hops that will originate in Canada but will be conducted over Washington State.
In late June, the FAA did its flight evaluation of changes to the flight control software that will change the way the aircraft’s background automated flight systems operate.
Several other jurisdictions want to fly the changes before signing off on them and Canada will get its chance this coming week.
The test aircraft will make the 20-minute hop from near Seattle to Vancouver to pick up the Transport Canada inspectors and the tests will be done over Washington.
The Canadians will be dropped off in Vancouver after the flight, thus avoiding any issues from the COVID-19-related closure of the border between the two countries.
(Source: avweb.com/aviation-news)
Abandoned Airport.
Robert Mueller Municipal Airport, USA.
Robert Mueller Municipal Airport served the city of Austin in Texas from 1928 to 1999 when it was officially closed and replaced by the Austin Bergstrom International Airport.
Now built over, the only thing that reminds us that one day there was an airport here is the old control tower.
(Source: skyscanner.net/news)
Name this airline – answer below. |
Wayne's Wings

Cooking Lake Airport
Bob Sheppard recently sent me an email to advise me that our friend, (and NetLetter subscriber) retired Licensed Aircraft Technician Rob Hemmett, had posted some info on Facebook about Canada's oldest operating public airport, Cooking Lake Airport, located just over 40 kilometres northeast of Edmonton International.
I'm embarrassed to say that I was not aware of this remarkable piece of Canadian history, but I want to thank my buddies for telling me about it.
I checked out the links (see below) and soon lost myself in the timeline and list of aviation pioneers associated with the beginnings of this airport. There is far too much to its story to tell here so I urge you to check out the videos and other links and enjoy the pictures and story.
To summarize the video narration, Cooking Lake Airport had its beginnings in 1926 when a Vickers Viking seaplane returning from an unsuccessful search for a lost gold mine landed on the shore of the lake for fuel and supplies. Among the well known bush pilots who flew from Cooking Lake including Punch Dickens, Leigh Brintnell, Wop May, Will Rogers, Roy Brown, and Max Ward.
It continues to function today as a search and rescue base as well as flight training. It is the fifth busiest airport in Alberta and is completely funded and operated by volunteers.
Additional info:
Official site for Cooking Lake Airport
History from Wikipedia
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
Answer for the mystery airline in Odds and Ends.
Kulula is a South African LCC. The name 'Kulula' comes from the Nguni languages of Zulu and Xhosa, meaning it’s easy. The airline is a wholly owned subsidiary of Comair.
Click here for their official website.
A Camcopter S-100 drone made the first commercial drone delivery to an offshore oil platform in late August of 2020 and it might be the beginning of a major industry.
The helicopter drone flew a 3-D printed part from Norway to a rig located about 60 miles off the coast.
The flight was conducted without any special airspace adjustments and the drone was just part of the traffic servicing the oil fields. The drone also did an exterior inspection of the drilling platform and performed a simulated search and rescue drill with the rig’s standby vessel.
The US Air Force is toying with the idea of giving the president a supersonic ride to his or her international appointments.
According to military.com the Air Force’s Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate has awarded a $1 million small business innovation research contract to aerospace start-up Exosonic to nail down the basics of a low-boom supersonic aircraft that could serve as Air Force One.
The aircraft would be a derivative of Exosonic’s 70-seat Mach 1.8 airliner that the company is hoping to roll out in 2025.
(Source: avweb.com/aviation-news)
This cartoon by Dave Mathias appeared in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issued January 1965 with the caption:
"We're sorry, Mr. Finchley, but the complimentary bar is for first-class passengers only".
The NetLetter Team

Wayne Albertson, Ken Pickford & Terry Baker
Richmond, British Columbia - December 2019
(Bob Sheppard was not available for the photograph)
We wish to honour the memories of
Vesta Stevenson and Alan Rust.
They remain a part of every edition published.
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