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NetLetter #1458 | March 27, 2021 |
Boeing 707-331 Registration N704PA
Pan Am 'Jet Clipper Defiance'
Photo by Lars Söderström
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Please note: We do our best to identify, contact and credit the original source of all content presented. However, should you recognize your material and are not credited; please advise us so that we can correct our oversight.
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NetLetter News
Back issues of The NetLetter are available in both the original newsletter format and downloadable PDF format.
We invite you to visit our website at www.thenetletter.net/netletters to view our archives.
Restoration and posting of archive issues is an ongoing project. We hope to post every issue back to the beginning in 1995.

We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair, Air BC, Time Air, Quebecair, Calm Air, NWT Air, Air Alliance, Air Nova, Air Ontario, Air Georgian, First Air/Canadian North and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.
Subscriber Feedback
Subscriber Scott Barham in the United Kingdom sends the following request:
I am hoping you maybe able to assist me in locating a former CP Air/Canadian airlines colleague ‘George McBurnie’.
I am a friend of his from the UK and we used to correspond for many years but unfortunately we lost touch quite some years ago and I would like to see if George is still around.
He used to be the editor of the Canadian Airlines in house newsletter and lived in Point Roberts, Washington State but worked at the Vancouver airport.
I am writing to you as I note his name is mentioned on one of your newsletters.
Any assistance you can give in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
S. Barham (UK)
Editors' Note: If you any information for Mr. Barham, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will pass it along.
After reading the NetLetter #1456, Doug Davidson shared this memory -
The story by Roddy McPhee brought back memories. I knew Roddy quite well and made a point of speaking to him every time I flew out of Prestwick.
My mum was at Glasgow airport, flying out on a parent pass. She had checked in and was sitting with my brother waiting to go through security when she felt very unwell and realized she was having a heart attack. Roddy was wonderful and swung into action.
Mum was in intensive care in the Paisley hospital before the aircraft pushed back. I sent a heart-felt thank you to Roddy and got a very gracious reply. Mum lived another ten years but never did make another trip out. Roddy was a star.
Best regards, Doug
Submitted Photos
Aron Charad shares this information -
If you remember a while back I had mentioned to you a picture published in the January 2021 edition of Arizona Highways. It is a picture of an Arizona aircraft ‘retirement home’, inviting readers to identify the location.
The location is the Pinal Airpark in Marana, Arizona. It was not my guess, I did not win the prize. I have attached the picture for you if you would like to use it in a future NetLetter.
It was amusing to see all the Air Canada planes.
Remember When
Norm Foster shares another of his memories -
B 747 A Passionless Love Affair. |
A recent announcement from British Airways stated that their B747 fleet would be retired earlier than planned. The last major airline to do so, the decision was made as a result of Covid-19.
Although inevitable, I read the article with a sadness that is a tribute to an inanimate object. But then, the B747 was special and was also my favorite aircraft in a lengthy aviation career.
A brainchild of the 60's, she was Boeing’s answer to Juan Trippe’s request, as President of Pan American Airways, for a double decker airplane capable of carrying 400 passengers on their international route structure. However, in order to avoid the many problems inherent in a double deck configuration, Boeing proposed expanding horizontally instead of vertically and thus countered with the first twin aisled wide body aircraft to meet the same needs. Eventually convinced, Juan Trippe’s initial order of 25 B-747's started the demand for 1,557 more world-wide and became the one aircraft that every airline had to feature in their fleet to be considered a major carrier. It had me at hello!
It was in 1971 that Air Canada took delivery of its first B-747 model, and it was to be joined over the years by 12 more. The jaw dropping appearance always elicited the question “How does something that big fly?” The sheer size of the aircraft gave the impression of being at a slow lumbering speed as it approached to land, belying an actual speed of close to 175 mph. An awesome sight that never failed to capture the attention of even the most jaded observer.
Although more than just a casual observer to the arrival on the Toronto ramp of “Fat Albert” a nick-name initially pinned on # 1, the aspiration of actually flying her was then just a dream. The reality was that as a junior Viscount captain then looking forward to upgrading to the twin engine DC-9, the “Jumbo” was two aircraft types and 15 years away.
And wonderful years they were, flying the DC-9 domestically and then the DC-8 internationally. With the fullness of time the years passed and with them the source of my envious stares at B-747 crews. My seniority finally entitled me to a position on the airplane of my dreams. Further, I was about to put to the test, the declaration of Jack Waddell, all those many years ago. Jack was Boeing’s # 1 test pilot and the first to fly the B-747. As there was no flight simulator developed yet to test the new airplane’s flying characteristics ahead of time, the first flight held many questions. Of these, the last but not least, was how do you land the plane when your eyes are the equivalent of a 3 story house above the runway? On deplaning, Jack’s first statement was…. “I think the pilots will love it!”
Unlike Jack, before I could experience my first time at the controls of the real thing, there was a lengthy and extensive course in the Flight Simulator. Perfected over the years, the simulator provided the opportunity for trainees to experience an exact duplication of the flying experience and further, it provided the ability to recreate every known emergency one could possibly face, and then practice handling them to perfection. Finally experiencing the real airplane, I could echo the sentiments of Jack Waddell…… I loved it!
Three months later I became a B-747 Flight Instructor. The satisfaction in helping pilots realize their B-747 dreams became another highlight in my highlight-filled career. Following each simulator course, an empty B-747 was placed at my disposal to demonstrate and then observe steep turns, stalls, and touch-and-go landings, none of which would ever be possible with passengers aboard.
During these training trips, my sense of pride gave way to one of fun and thrills, and finally to humour watching the white knuckles of each student performing their first landing from 3 stories up. I spent the next 10 years as Instructor, supervisor, and finally back to line pilot from which position I set the brakes for the final time in July of 1997. The inevitability of a mandatory retirement age had caught up with me. The B-747 still had 2 more decades in her career. Me? I had some hockey to play!
My first trip as Captain on the B-747 could not bring back the euphoria of my first solo in a Cessna 140 some 33 years earlier. However, lifting off from the same Toronto runway, with the same slow left turn, but this time heading to Paris, I did allow myself a satisfied grin.
Women in Aviation
Air Canada marked International Women's Day 2021 by celebrating the contributions and achievements of its women employees.
Four Air Canada women in non-traditional aviation careers share how they pivoted, then navigated with flexibility and resilience the ever-changing events related to the COVID-19 pandemic during a year like no other. The airline also championed the next generation of women aviators as it announced four winners in the second year of the Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship.
Full story at the Air Canada Media Room
Raymonde de Laroche (August 22, 1882 – July 18, 1919) was a French pilot, thought to be the first woman to pilot a plane.
She became the world's first licensed female pilot on 8 March 1910. She received the 36th aeroplane pilot's license issued by the Aeroclub de France, the world's first organization to issue pilot licenses.
At the time, pilot licenses were only required for pilots operating aircraft for commercial purposes.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymonde_de_Laroche
Air Canada News
for the latest posts at the Air Canada Mediaroom. |
Click the logo to open the Air Canada YouTube channel. |
Star Alliance News
Singapore Airlines to pilot digital COVID-19 travel pass.
Singapore Airlines will begin trialing a coronavirus digital travel pass developed by aviation's industry body next week, the carrier said yesterday.
It is the first airline to pilot the scheme as the pandemic-hit sector seeks to recover. The app, developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), will store information on passengers' health, including whether they have had virus tests or vaccines, to streamline travel as borders reopen.
Singapore's flag carrier said it would offer travellers heading from the city-state to London between March 15 and 28 the chance to participate in the pilot if they have a phone operating on the iOS system.
AC Daily March 9, 2021
CTV News
TCA/AC People Gallery
The enRoute magazine issue January/February 2021 has a cover page photo on Skijoring, which is horsing around in Alberta. |
Issue dated February 1997
Air Canada's first A319.
Air Canada launched a new offensive in the North American marketplace with the arrival of its first Airbus A319 on December 12, 1996.
The airline also became the first to operate the state-of-the-art, twin engine jet in North America. Airbus Industries hosted 25 Air Canada employees for three days of sightseeing in Paris and Toulouse prior to the A319 delivery ceremony.
Also included in the trip was a visit to the European aircraft manufacturer's Toulouse facilities where Air Canada's next A340 was getting the final touches.
London England -
Customer Sales and Service Coordinators Kathy Feeney and Ann Mellor received gifts and best wishes at their retirement party.
Based at the Customer Sales Office in London's West End, Kathy and Ann completed 25 years and 32 years of service, respectively.
From left to right: Caroline Tjia, Inside Sales Executive; Kathy Feeney; Robert Atkinson, General Passenger Sales Manager, UK & Ireland; and Ann Mellor.
Fredericton, New Brunswick -
Donna Price, Vice President - Airports (left) and Kevin Gleeson, General Manager, Customer Service - Atlantic Canada (right) presented anniversary pins to Harry Sulley, Station Agent (30 years), Bertha Bergin, Customer Service Coordinator (25 years) and Sterling Carpenter, Station Agent (30 years).
Editor's Note: Ms. Price contributed photos to the 'Submitted Photos' section of NetLetter #1457.
Mirabel (YMX) -
Gathered with his coworkers, Station Attendant Guy Leger accepts his 25-year pin from Guy Poirier, Customer Service Manager.
Back row, left to right: M.Thibert, N. Benard, Guy Poirier, Guy Leger, R. Laflamme, C. Brown, N. Dostie, R. Séguin and N. Lemay.
Front row (seated), left to right: D. Lacroix, P. Caron and R. L. Barette.
Ottawa employees celebrated their 25, 30 and 35 year anniversaries at a gala held in Montreal.
In this photo, front row, left to right: Sue Welscheid, General Manager, Customer Service - Eastern Canada; Customer Sales and Service Agents Helen Wiens, Jeanette Taylor, Sharon Quinn, Trudy Bausenhart, Odette Dompierre and Carole Martel.
Back row, left to right: Customer Sales and Service Agents Lesley Mansell and Paul Decaire; Jim Duncan, Lead Station Attendant; Adèle Gosbee, Customer Sales and Service Agent; John Chaput, Station Attendant; Ron Burnett, Lead Cargo Customer Service Agent; Donna Price, Vice President, Airports; Bruce Wanamaker, Retired Customer Sales and Service Agent; Will Hobbs, Customer Sales and Service Agent - Training Instructor; Garry Smith, Customer Sales and Service Agent; Bob Knox, Lead Station Attendant; Dave Macdonald, Manager. Customer Service and Joan Alexander, Customer Sales and Service Agent.
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
From the CP Air Employees Facebook page
Posted by Lisa Rogers on February 11, 2021.
February 1, 1966, 55 years ago, Reesa Greenberg, Ginny Phillips and Anette Towle arrived to start stewardess school with CP with several new friends.
Nordair published the final edition of its internal magazine 'Expressions' in December 1986 while it was being acquired by Canadian Pacific Air Lines.
Below is a message from former CEO Roland LaFrancois reflecting on his career and the future.
When I first became a member of the Board of Directors of Boreal Airways in 1949, nothing could have led me to believe that this small airline from Lac St-Jean would one day be the Corporation that it has grown to become.
Nordair's rise to prominence has been the result of the concerted efforts of a multitude of men and women whose dedication was equal only to their dedication and hard work.
Indeed, the real strength of Nordair throughout its 39-year history has been its employees - pilots, mechanics, flight attendants, administrators and support staff - many of whom I have had the privilege to know personally.
They have witnessed the numerous changes and events that have fashioned the airline. A new page in our history is about to be turned. Our association With Canadian Pacific Air Lines heralds a new era in the context of the Canadian airline industry. I am confident that Nordair's spirit will live on through the majority of you who will be joining CPAL and I am convinced that you will continue to give your very best.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to all of you for your loyal support over the years and to wish you all a very bright future
Images of some of the vintage aircraft from Nordair's storied history. |
DC-3, Dorval 1966 |
DC-6 parked in front of the Wheeler Hangar, 1965 |
Skyvan SC-7 landing at Hall Beach |
Grumman "Frakes" Turbo Mallard |
"Connie" L-1049H Super Consellation |
Featured Video(s)
Our Featured Video comes from the Just Planes YouTube channel.
Viewers have a flight deck view on a short flight from Vancouver (YVR) to Victoria (YYJ) in British Columbia.
Odds and Ends
Name this airline - answer in 'Terry's Trivia' below. |
Discount carrier Flair Airlines adds 13 Boeing 737 Max planes to fleet.
Discount carrier Flair Airlines said recently that it will add 13 new Boeing 737 Max aircraft to its fleet, as the plane returns to service worldwide following a nearly two-year grounding.
Flair's new planes will be delivered in early 2021, giving the airline additional capacity at a time when other Canadian carriers are cutting routes and laying off staff in response to a challenging business environment.
Source: Flight Global
Wayne's Wings

Jet Clipper 'Beatles'
SimpleFlying.com recently posted a story commemorating the 57th anniversary of the Beatles arrival in New York City on February 7, 1964. The aircraft that carried them over the Atlantic was a four year old Pan American Airways Boeing 707-331 named 'Jet Clipper Defiance'.
Pan Am had a tradition of naming their intercontinental fleet of aircraft after 'clipper' ships that crossed the oceans in the 19th century.
It was temporarily renamed 'Jet Clipper Beatles' for the return trip to London on February 22.
Contrasted against the image of another B-707 a few months earlier, this was another moment when we remember where we were when the images played out on television. This has always been one of my most pleasant childhood memories.
Surprisingly, this aircraft had a relatively short lifespan. Jet Clipper Defiance was originally registered to Trans World Airlines as N771TW, but never delivered. It was then sold to Pan Am, delivered March 23, 1960 and registered N704PA. Late in its career, it was leased to several smaller airlines including Vietnam Airlines from 1973 to 1975. It was scrapped at Long Beach, California, June 1977.
Click the icon to view a YouTube video of The Beatles arrival (Posted by Marc Durbin). |
Additional references:
Simple Flying.com article Aerotime Hub History Tour This Day in Aviation.com
The image below is a screen capture from a documentary produced by Albert and David Maysles capturing the Beatles first American tour.
It is posted on YouTube on the DIY Guitar Talk channel. Click the image to view the video.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
Answer for the mystery airline in Odds and Ends.
COPA is the flag carrier of Panama. It is headquartered in Panama City and a member of the Star Alliance.
Conference centre to keepsake – the fate of two retired giants.
A pair of examples of superannuated quad jets illustrate the very different destinies of airliners at the end of their working lives.
G-CIVB is a former British Airways Boeing 747-400 that joined the fleet in 1994 and was recently repainted with a retro Negus & Negus scheme originally adopted by the airline when it was created by the merger of BOAC and British European Airways in 1974.
The jumbo will live on at Cotswold Airport as a private-hire cinema venue for conferences and other functions, after being acquired by airport operator Kemble Air Services. It joins another ex-BA 747-400, that will be based at Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey as a set for film and television.
Photo by John Taggart at Wikimedia Commons
A former Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 (MSN003/9V-SKA), on the other hand, is now, among other things, a series of limited-edition identity tags.
They were fashioned from the fuselage of the 12-year-old aircraft after it was broken up at Tarmac Aerosave in Tarbes in 2019. German company Aviationtag says each of the items sports the aircraft type, registration number, edition number and size of the doomed superjumbo.
MSN003 has its place in history, having operated the first A380 passenger service on 25 October 2007, from Changi to Sydney. It was retired just 10 years later.
Photo by Terence Ong at Wikimedia Commons
Source: flightglobal.com
The unwanted aircraft in aviation’s boneyards.
For admirers of the 'Queen of the Skies', it is a somber sight. Nine former British Airways Boeing 747-400's, former flagships of the flag carrier and still resplendent in their liveries, line up on the hard standing of a rural airfield in the west of England, all but one destined to be broken into bits.
Cotswold Airport, at Kemble in Gloucestershire, is where old airliners come to die, and operator Air Salvage International (ASI) is one of a few aircraft dismantling and recycling specialists in Europe.
Source: flightglobal.com
Alan Evans living in South Africa sends us this smiley -
The caption reads "Mummy, where do babies come from?"
Response - "Go ask you father at the Boeing factory"
The NetLetter Team

Wayne Albertson, Ken Pickford & Terry Baker
Richmond, British Columbia - December 2019
(Bob Sheppard was not available for the photograph)
We wish to honour the memories of
Vesta Stevenson and Alan Rust.
They remain a part of every edition published.
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