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NetLetter #1464 | June 26, 2021 |
Canadian Pacific C-FICP
Photo by Gary Vincent
Story in CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Dear Reader,
Welcome to The NetLetter, established in 1995 as a dedicated newsletter for Air Canada retirees, we have evolved into the longest running aviation-based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian-based airlines that once graced the skies.
The NetLetter is self funded and is always free to subscribers. It is operated by a group of volunteers and is not affiliated with any airline or associated organizations.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian aviation history, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Please note: We do our best to identify and credit the original source of all content presented. However, should you recognize your material and are not credited; please advise us so that we can correct our oversight.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.

Note: to unsubscribe or change your email address please scroll to the bottom of this email.
NetLetter News
We have welcomed 104 new subscribers so far in 2021.
We wish to thank everyone for your support of our efforts.
Back issues of The NetLetter are available in both the original newsletter format and downloadable PDF format.
We invite you to visit our website at www.thenetletter.net/netletters to view our archives.
Restoration and posting of archive issues is an ongoing project. We hope to post every issue back to the beginning in 1995.

We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Trans-Canada Air Lines, Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair, Air BC, Time Air, Quebecair, Calm Air, NWT Air, Air Alliance, Air Nova, Air Ontario, Air Georgian and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.
Coming Events
World Airlines Club Association (WACA) planned events during the 53rd Annual General Assembly (AGA) -
The 2021 Celebration
Source: waca.org
October 10 - 17 Pre AGA Tour: Java Grand Tour Venue: departs from Yogyakarta, concludes in Bali.
October 17 - 22 53rd Annual General Assembly in Bali.
October 22 - 26 Post AGA Tour: Land of the Dragons and the Lesser Sundas Venue: departs from Bali, concludes in Labuan Bajo.
Submitted Photos
Vic Bentley has sent us these photos -
I am a volunteer at the Canadian Museum of Flight in Langley, British Columbia. Visitors come by the office and drop off a box of books, photos, logbooks, tools etc.
Some of the photos (prints and colour slides) are of old aircraft that most people cannot identify. So the detective work starts. What is the aircraft, who owned it, what is the location?
Unfortunately, sometimes the person leaves before contact information is gathered and we have no way of tracing the story behind the photos.
If you have access to old photos or documents that are going out of the family, please consider donating them to your local museum/archives/historical society.
They all have a story to tell! Here is a sample of some recent arrivals at the museum.
This is CF-AZY, a Lockheed 10A in the colours of Canadian Airways. The company operated 2 of these on Vancouver-Seattle in 1936 until passed on to Trans-Canada Air Lines (TCA). |
This is the same aircraft, now in TCA colours. It went to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in 1939. |
And who are these maintenance people? Apparently the same TCA location as above. |
Here's most of the same group. Who are they? When did they work here?
Is your father/uncle/grandpa here? Do tell.
Editors' Note: Our records indicate that this was the second aircraft received by TCA on September 1, 1937. The Lockheed 10A Electra was assigned fin # 21. It was sold to the Department of National Defence on October 14, 1939.
Remember When
Norm Foster is sharing yet another of his memories with us –
His name was Cy.
A second name was not necessary because when you said that you were flying with Cy, any Toronto pilot knew who you meant; Cy was special.
Like many of his peers, Cy had served in the RCAF in WW2. Perhaps it was this background that caused so many of these pilots to carry into TCA certain idiosyncrasies. In any case, Cy certainly did. But his was different, he had an imaginary dog that flew with him on every trip.
Although harmless, the experience of flying with Cy was strangely eerie, albeit humorous. When he entered the flight planning office for pre-flight preparations, the room became electric waiting to see who had drawn the short straw and would be joining Cy on the flight deck. Not a word in this regard was spoken by other crews in the room, and only sly glances and knowing smiles were exchanged.
Even if there was no need for words, each would expect a complete report on the experience the next time they saw you. Having been the recipient of such reports, I was prepared for a rather unique trip. I was not disappointed.
The series of flight legs was uneventful until the last one, which terminated the sequence in London, Ontario. There, along with two flight attendants, we would spend the night at a local motel. It was during this leg, in the dark, that I finally met 'Rover'!
I was about to reduce power and start our descent when I detected a low growl. Realizing that it would be coming from Cy, I didn’t react, but simply continued with my descent procedures. Next came Cy’s loud and demanding command. “Rover, be quiet!" This was followed shortly with “Rover, just lie there and be quiet!”
All this was directed at the empty space between our seats. “Rover seems a little restless tonight.”…this time directed at me. My landing at London was subpar, but I was just happy to be on the ground.
Standard operating procedure on arrival at the motel was for the crew, after check-in, to meet in the dining room for a late evening meal before bed. Hardly had we settled into our seats with our menus when the manager inquired if I was First Officer Foster, as there was a long distance call for me. His insistence that I remain at the table and he would bring a phone on a lengthy extension cord should have raised a red flag.
Unfortunately not, and with the flight attendants seated on each side of me, and Cy directly across, they all watched intently as I picked up the receiver. There was only a short pause after my opening “Hello?” when there came a terrific howl like that of a wounded canine in its death throes!
I froze, and then slowly lowered the phone. “Who was it? Asked Cy, more in the way of a demand than a request. Although they couldn’t have heard the sound, the shocked look on my face required an explanation. I had none. The guys from the morning dispatch office had timed it perfectly and I was left stammering and blubbering. To this day I don’t recall what I said in way of explanation, but somehow I survived.
Soon after, Cy transferred to a more senior aircraft and more mature and experienced F/O’s. It was while flying with one of these captain trainees that the inevitable happened. With the onset of darkness, Cy began admonishing Rover. “I told you to stay down! Just lie there and be quiet!” With this, the F/O engaged the auto-pilot. Slowly, but deliberately he reached into his flight bag, and producing an imaginary revolver, took dead aim between the seats. .....“Bang! Bang!”……..The F/O replaced the imaginary revolver and turning to Cy declared…..”There! I shot your damn dog!”
Epilogue: Cy completed a lengthy and successful career and Rover never reappeared.
Women in Aviation
In NetLetter #1444 we published details of the commemorative stamps issued by the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines in order to celebrate Canadian women pilots representing various flying careers.
Please note that these stamps cannot be purchased at Canada Postal outlets but are available at www.canadian99s.com/stamps.
The issue for 2021 was Hella Comat.
Hella Comat of Heritage Glen Public School in Oakville, Ontario, is no stranger to pioneering new fields; she is Canada’s first female aeronautical aerobatics champion.
She brings the same careful and thorough approach she uses to meet daunting challenges in the air to her classroom. She has integrated computer technology into all parts of the curriculum for her Grade 6 students.
They have responded by completing a wide variety of exciting projects such as working with electronic pen pals in Mexico on mathematics assignments.
Air Canada News
Air Canada Cargo Announces Launch Routes For its Newly Converted Freighter Aircraft Arriving This Fall
Air Canada and Air Canada Cargo today announced the initial list of planned routes for the Boeing 767-300ER freighters scheduled to enter service this fall. Air Canada is in the process of fully converting several of its Boeing 767 aircraft into dedicated freighters in order to fully participate in global cargo commercial opportunities.
When the first converted 767 freighters enters service in October, they will fly primarily out of Toronto Pearson International Airport, and will operate on routes linking Toronto to Miami, Quito, Lima, Mexico City and Guadalajara, the first time Air Canada Cargo will serve this destination. Additional destinations to be served in early 2022, include Halifax, St. John's, Madrid and Frankfurt as more freighters enter service..
Full story at aircanada.mediaroom.com
for the latest posts at the Air Canada Mediaroom. |
Click the logo to open the Air Canada YouTube channel. |
Star Alliance News
The IATA Travel Pass could be your ticket to quarantine-free travel. The app helps you store, verify and share your test and vaccine certificates.
It's currently being trialed by a number of our member airlines.
Find out more here: www.iata.org
TCA/AC People Gallery
Reproduced with kind permission of the "Propliner" magazine, a popular aviation magazine in the U.K. dedicated to propeller driven aircraft.
Website: www.propliner.co.uk
Following the North Star story in NetLetter #1463, there is one story left to relate and concerns CF-TFM.
The North Star story held one final twist. All but one of the aircraft left in the UK were scrapped, but one example achieved a level of notoriety that has barely been matched since.
CF-TFM was in store at Coventry until November 1963, when it was announced that the North Star was one of four aircraft destined for operation in Liberia and had been sold to a gentleman named Mr. D. Woolley.
Her Merlin engines were run again, and on November 22 she was flown to Newcastle for further maintenance prior to heading south for Africa. However, no other North Stars joined CF-TFM at Newcastle, and eventually as a result of a High Court order on October 1, 1964 the airport authority auctioned off the old North Star. 
With the kind permission of Larry Milberry from www.canavbooks.wordpress.com
Here is a great Canadair photo that you'll enjoy in The Wilf White’s Propliner Collection. One of Wilf's wonderful Prestwick (PIK) views, TCA North Star CF-TFM thunders in on short final circa 1950.
'TFM gave fine service at TCA until sold in 1961, but it ended badly thereafter, crashing while running guns in Africa.

Extracted from the 'Horizons' magazine.
Issue dated December 1997
Gearing up for the sun season, here are the staff at both Montego Bay and Kingston, Jamaica.
From Kingston, left to right, standing: Donet Soares, Tashia Thompson, Patrica Morrison, Osmond J. Harry, Wendy Lue, Sharon Palmer, Marcia Moses, Cheryl Thwaites and Dalton Maragh.
Kneeling are: Audrey Mills, Marge Lackan, Marlene Monro and Michelle Williams.
From Montego Bay, left to right: Joy Schroeter, Karlene Taylor, Janette Maragh, Desmond Gordon, Diana Chrichton, Maureen Gayle, Karen Tavares-White, Robert Ferguson, Kerry-Ann Miller, Deborah Jackson and Hazel Tenn-Black. |
Air Canada celebrates 30 years in Los Angeles.
September 29, 1997, marked a double celebration for Air Canada employees in Los Angeles. It was the 30th anniversary of Air Canada's operations in LAX and was chosen as the day to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the airline.
The day's festivities began with the arrival of flight AC799, using the A319 with the TCA livery (Fin #264). Active and retired employees met the flight at the gate, joined by dignitaries from the local Canadian Consulate, the City of Los Angeles, the Department of Airports, and Air Canada executives.
The Department of Airports presented Air Canada with a plaque commemorating the two anniversaries. A bagpiper then led celebrants to the Maple Leaf lounge for an official reception hosted by Al Thompson, Vice President, Corporate Affairs - Western Canada.
Following the formal event, an informal party was held at a local hotel allowing staff, retirees and lay-over flight crew to join in a celebration of Air Canada's heritage. A good time was had by all!
Many employees and retirees joined in the festivities.
Seated, left to right: Audrine Marshall, Customer Service Agent; Myrna Lawrence, Lead Training Instructor.
First row: Customer Service Agents Yanna Om, Debbie Uyeda Taira, David Verano, Leanne Jacobson, Bertha Lemke, LaWanda Smith and Micheline Adam.
Back row: Customer Service Agents Miguel Morales Jr. and Jim Cordero; Louise Valois, Lead Customer Service Agent and Captain Randy Gouge.
Editors' Note: Can anyone send in the location and a photo of the plaque mentioned?
40 years of service.
Air Canada, in late 1997, paid tribute to a number of employees celebrating the 40th anniversary of their service with the company. Celebrants were invited to a tribute dinner in Montreal hosted by Lamar Durrett, President and CEO.
Special guests Claude Taylor, Chairman Emeritus, and Robin Wohnsigl, Vice President, Technical Operations were on hand to recognize the loyalty and commitment of these long-standing members of the Air Canada family. Congratulations on 40 years of service from your colleagues and friends!
Pictured, from right to left are: Robin Wohnsigl, Vice President, Technical Operations; René Opzoomer, Flight Service Director, Dorval; Ken Creran, Mechanic, Winnipeg; John Lindsay, Stockkeeper, Winnipeg; Claude Taylor, Chairman Emeritus; Trixie MacLeod, Customer Sales & Service Agent (Airports), Toronto; Al Graham, Customer Sales & Service Agent (Airports), Toronto; Karl Lenchuk, Mechanic, Winnipeg; Bob Kowch, Flight Service Director, Toronto; Lamar Durrett, President and CEO.
Absent from photo: Captain Norm Foster, Flight Ops, Toronto; John Robb, Non-Destructive Testing Technician, Dorval; Fred Walker, Certified Aircraft Technician, Toronto; Betty Edwards, Customer Sales & Service Agent (Airports), Regina.
In 1997, Ken Hansen, Station Agent, Saskatoon International Airport (YXE) received his 25 year pin.
On his left is Bob Ferris, Manager, Customer Service, Saskatoon, offering his congratulations.
Issue dated January 1998
Barbados staff celebrate the company's 60th anniversary in 1997.
From the left: David Greenidge, Jackie Yearwood-Parris, Lisa Farley, Tony St. Hill, Sandra Grant, Ronald Phillips, Kim Clarke, John White, Marguerite Cole, Denzil Allman, Rene Reid and Pauline Mayers took the MV Harbour Master by storm in Barbados.
The staff celebrated with a cocktail party on board the specially decorated boat.
Port of Spain staff celebrated the company's 60th anniversary over dinner in 1997.
In this photo, seated on the left: Dean Bissoondial, Natasha Forde, Sheldon Beepat, Victoria Leps and Indra Maharaj.
On the right we have: Thomas Wallace, Kawal Singh, Heathcliff West and Asha Chotack.
To celebrate the company's 60th anniversary in 1997, staff in Paris held a dry run earlier in the year, with a small gathering, complete with cake.
In front we have: Yolande Bensoussan, Francoise Girard, Sandrine Aubard and Martine Danel.
At the back: Pascale Marteau, Klaus Berg, Stephanie Levassort, Josette Decottignies, Michele Guenault-Blanquie, Caroline Tonnelier, Marie-Louise Honore and Christiane Mallet were among the attendees.
Staff from Kingston, Haiti and the Bahamas got together in Kingston for their event to celebrate the company’s 60th anniversary in 1997.
The cocktail party put a smile on everyone's face, as they shared memories...and a delicious cake.
Editors' Note: Sadly no names were supplied, but we are sure some of you will recognize themselves and co-workers.
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Reprinted with the permission of Larry Milberry of www.canavbooks.wordpress.com
Wardair / CP Air 747 Retrospective. |
Posted by John Gilchrist on the CP Air Employee Facebook page -
This was either the 15th or 20th anniversary of our 1976 class. My flying career was cut short by layoffs but have such fond memories of the process and my colleagues.
Jimmy Watt, Jenny Lamb, Dianne Chestnutt, Inger Comack, myself, Debby Martinez and Sandra Remus.
Paul Ritchi posted this ad on Facebook with the comment:
"Loved this ad from Shell about one of their customers, CP Air".
Below are additional photos of a Boeing 737-200 (pictured in this issue's header) that was leased from Dutch carrier Transavia for the winter of 1986/87 (November 1986-April 1987). |
It kept the basic Transavia livery during the lease except for the tail and the titles (Canadian Pacifique (pictured above) on left side, Canadian Pacific (pictured in header) on right side).
That was during the brief period after CP dropped the CP Air branding and and reverted to the full name, not long before PWA acquired CP to create Canadian Airlines, effective the month that lease ended.
Registration changed from Dutch PH-TVR to C-FICP during the lease.
The aircraft kept its original registration while leased to KLM (December 1987) and Aerolineas Argentinas (December 1992). Each time it was returned to Transavia. It last flew for Ryanair under registration EI-CKR from May 1995 until it was withdrawn from service in November 2003.
View aircraft lifecycle at PlaneSpotters.net
Photo (above) by Trevor Ogle at Airliners.net.
Editors' Note: We were unable to contact Mr. Ogle to request permission to publish his photo. Click the photo to view the original.
PH-TVR in Transavia Holland livery Photo by Kambui at commons.wikimedia.org/wiki
Final registration EI-CKR in Ryanair livery Photo by Pedro Aragão at commons.wikimedia.org/wiki
Featured Video(s)
Dave Baker sends us a list of videos that he has found interesting on YouTube -
Click the images to view the videos.
I was randomly directed to this video of a Boeing 707 taking off.
From Air-Clips.com
The JT3D engines had me thinking of the DC-8's which had them when I was at Air Canada EMC (though the first DC-8s had the RR Conway engines). So it led me to this.
From JetFlix TV
Also this video of DC-8 still shots (suggest you turn down the sound as the Muzak is quite loud).
From BlaneAbbiction
This preview with Gordon R. McGregor discussing the Vanguard, DC-8 and DC-9 fleets is also very interesting.
From JetFlix TV
This is a BOAC VC10 taking off with 4 Rolls Royce Conway engines with their signature noise.
From Thames TV
Odds and Ends
Name this airline – answer in 'Terry's Trivia' below. |
Supersonic business jet developer Aerion folds.
After an 18-year effort to bring a faster-than-sound aircraft to market, Boeing-backed company says it has run out of money.
Source: FlightGlobal.com (Registration required)
Also: CNN travel
Tail-end of original A320-family line nears with Delta deliveries.
Airbus is approaching completion of the full transition to A320neo-family production, with fewer than 40 original A320-family aircraft left undelivered – most of which are likely to remain so.
Source: FlightGlobal.com(Registration required)
Larry Milberry sends this information -
Here’s a very special offer for CANAV’s world-famous 'Air Transport in Canada' (ATC).
At 5 kg and 1040 pages, 'ATC' remains Canada’s grandest-ever aviation title.
What’s covered? To give you an idea … pioneer days from 1919 to TCA & CPA, Canada’s air force from Day 1 to modern operations around the world, Canada’s postwar airlines: EPA, MCA, Nordair, PWA, QCA, Quebecair, Transair, etc., the DEW Line, SAR, aerial survey, the great Canadian airliners from North Star to Q400, helicopters, and government and corporate aviation.
'ATC' also includes the largest gallery of original Canadian aviation art. How say the reviewers? “These volumes are possibly the world's most inclusive ever devoted to aviation history,” - Airways: The Global Review of Commercial Flight. “The Oshkosh of aviation books” - Aerographics.
“Impressive! The word is sometimes misapplied to a book that is merely interesting, but for these two volumes, it may well be an understatement.” (“Montreal Gazette”).
Fifty-three chapters, two volumes, hardcover, 800,000+ words, more than 3500 photos, maps, glossary, bibliography, appendix, index.
Sticker price? $155.00, but this special deal gets you a set all-in (shipping & tax included) at CDN $65.00 for Canadian orders, CDN $80.00 USA orders, CDN $160.00 overseas orders (surface mail only)
This is the best deal ever offered for 'ATC', it can’t get any better! Drop a note if any questions This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. …
(Source: canavbooks.wordpress.com)
Wayne's Wings

Central Airways & the Wong Brothers continued
In NetLetter #1453, the topic of my article was the Wong Brothers and the Central Airways Flying School with insights from subscriber Roger Slauenwhite.
After we published the original story, Roger submitted some additional material from a Toronto Daily Star article from March 12, 1958 with the heading:
Central Airways, Toronto, Is Biggest Producer of Civilian Pilots.
The Wong Brothers, Bob (left) and Tom, operators of the Central Airways Flying School, have been turning out more civilian pilots than any other flying school in Canada for years. More than 100 pilots are now flying for TCA.
Editors' Note: Text is quoted from the 1958 article.
Cessna 140 'Poppazulu' - Memories -1963
By Roger Slauenwhite
At Central Airways we operated 3 Cessna 140's. My old log book tells me "I have flown 'FPZ' 74 times on flight instruction and charter miles with nary a scratch" is probably correct.
On one occasion we received a charter request to Sudbury, Ontario from a lady customer. The lady who showed up was a 'Nun' and was wearing a full ankle length religious gown and ready to go.
Bob Wong gave me the charter, and told me to use one of our Cessna 140's that I had just completed fueling. A Cessna 140 is a tail dragger, and when parked on the ramp the floor slopes a bit to the rear, making entry and exit for a passenger somewhat difficult.
There was no problem flying the 140 to Sudbury; the problem was getting the passenger in and out of the aircraft without her losing her finesse and composure. Her beautiful smile was always permanent; a lovely lady.
For her, this exercise could be defined as one of life's embarrassing moments. The trip was a success and uneventful except for loading and unloading —for me it was a pleasure. I was hoping at some future date my passenger might take flying lessons, but that did not happen. As the saying goes "you win some and you lose some".
Pictured from left to right are: Ellen Burke, Frauke Voss and Lily Greig who passed the qualifying tests and became pilots.
Flight Attendant Mary Herron is shown talking with TCA pilots Jim Videto and Ken Harling, both graduates of the flying school. |
Frauke Voss pinning a picture of a graduate who had gone on to a career with the RCAF. |
Ellen Burke and Tony Wong, nephew of the flying school operators, listen to a student flier talking to the ground with his radio. |
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
Answer to 'Name this Airline' from the 'Odds & Ends' section:
EVA Airways Corporation, of which 'EVA' stands for Evergreen Airways, is a Taiwanese international airline based at Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan, operating passenger and dedicated cargo services to over 40 international destinations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
The airline was one of the first carriers to introduce the 'Premium Economy' class, previously called 'Elite Class' by EVA Air.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EVA_Air

Photo by Alan Wilson at commons.wikimedia.org
Some deals from Perx.com. |
Club Med deals -
- Club Med Turkoise, Grace Bay
- from USD$105 pppn AI, Adults Only.
- Club Med Punta Cana, Punta Cana
Feeling Fine in Cancun |
- Krystal Cancun, Cancun
- Grand Palladium Costa Mujeres Resort & Spa, Cancun
- Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun, Cancun
PERX.com brought to you by Interline Vacations.
Go to the web site for full details of these and many other deals.
Our cartoon is by D. Fallwell which appeared in "CP Air News" issued November 1978. |
The NetLetter Team

Wayne Albertson, Ken Pickford & Terry Baker
Richmond, British Columbia - December 2019
(Bob Sheppard was not available for the photograph)
We wish to honour the memories of
Vesta Stevenson and Alan Rust.
They remain a part of every edition published.
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E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
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