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NetLetter #1471 | October 11, 2021 |
Boeing Canada Plant on Sea Island
Richmond, British Columbia circa 1940
Dear Reader,
Welcome to The NetLetter, established in 1995 as a dedicated newsletter for Air Canada retirees, we have evolved into the longest running aviation-based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian-based airlines that once graced the skies.
The NetLetter is self funded and is always free to subscribers. It is operated by a group of volunteers and is not affiliated with any airline or associated organizations.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian aviation history, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Please note: We do our best to identify and credit the original source of all content presented. However, should you recognize your material and are not credited; please advise us so that we can correct our oversight.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.

Note: to unsubscribe or change your email address please scroll to the bottom of this email.
NetLetter News

With this issue, we begin the 26th year of publishing 'The NetLetter'. Below is the introduction from the 1st issue published October 12, 1995.
As technology has evolved and "The NetLetter' has become more stylized, we have remained true to the original concept and it has always been distributed free to our subscribers.
We wish to thank you all for allowing us to continue our communication.
NetLetter #001 issue, October 12, 1995.
This communication is an attempt by two Pionairs, Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker to establish a 'NetLetter' of interest to, principally, Pionairs who have email addresses.
As Pionairs, our only contact for information is through the company newsletter- Horizons - and the 1-800 number for CIC daily info, which seems to refer us to various CIC pages for which we have no access.
The contents of our 'NetLetter' can be anything which is considered of interest to ex Air Canada types, permanent employees and relatives.
Subjects can be information on good accommodations, inexpensive trips or, maybe, someone you may have lost contact with.
This 'NetLetter' is not sponsored by the executive of Air Canada Pionairs, but is intended to make use of the new technology to dispense information which may be of interest.
We welcome comments and information - non controversial - which can be included in subsequent 'NetLetters', but NOT advertising. 
We have welcomed 178 new subscribers so far in 2021.
We wish to thank everyone for your support of our efforts.
Back issues of The NetLetter are available in both the original newsletter format and downloadable PDF format.
We invite you to visit our website at www.thenetletter.net/netletters to view our archives.
Restoration and posting of archive issues is an ongoing project. We hope to post every issue back to the beginning in 1995.

We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.
Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Trans-Canada Air Lines, Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair, Air BC, Time Air, Quebecair, Calm Air, NWT Air, Air Alliance, Air Nova, Air Ontario, Air Georgian and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.
Coming Events
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Pionairs.
Our November meeting is planned at the St. James Legion (1755 Portage Ave, Winnipeg) on Thursday, November 4th, 2021 at 13:30. Our guest speaker for this meeting will be Bill Curtis. He will do an interactive presentation on Genealogy.
Anicia’s Eatery, the canteen at the St. James Legion, will be open for lunch prior to our meeting.
Save the Date: The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Pionairs Christmas Luncheon is planned for Thursday, December 2, 2021 at the Canad Inns Polo Park. More details to come.
(Source: Manitoba/Saskatchewan Pionairs newsletter September 2021)
Toronto Pearson Airport Runway Run.
Safety has always been, and will continue to be, the top priority of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority.
As Canada and the world are still battling with the effects of COVID-19 we have decided to not hold a Runway Run for the second year in a row. The Runway Run raises money to support the Propeller Project, Toronto Pearson’s community investment program.
We will be looking forward to September 2022, where we hope to see you all with your running shoes on. Until then, keep up to date on Runway Run.
Source: torontopearson.com/en/community/programs/runway-run
Organizers announce the launch of 'The Thunder & Lightning Over Arizona Air Show', which is scheduled for November 6 - 7, 2021 at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, AZ.
The show was initially scheduled for April 24-25, 2021 but was rescheduled to the later dates due to COVID restrictions in place at the time.
Source: thunderandlightningoverarizona.com/
Subscriber Feedback
Subscriber Paul Rhodes of Newcastle, Australia is requesting information on Jan Cowie who was a colleague during the 1970's & 80's.
If you have any info, please advise us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will pass it along to Paul.
Thank you.
Laszlo Bastyovanszky thought this information would be of interest -
The unbelievably massive Lun class ekranoplan -plane/boat/ship!
In 1987, the Soviets produced the first ground battle missile carrier named ‘Lun’.
Lun weighed 350 tons and carried six Moskit cruise missiles which were classified under the category of SS-N-22 Sunburn by NATO.
Lun, Russian for hen harrier, could sink a vessel of any type and size by hitting it with just four of the Moskit cruise missiles. Lun was also known as Project 903. Several other ‘ships’ were also produced in the Lun series, including a battle aircraft, whose planned completion stalled when the Cold War ended and was consequently changed into a rescue aircraft.
See link below for the full history.
Submitted Photos
In Netletter #1470 we published the photograph below that has been posted on the PWA Employees Facebook page by Paul Peron.
We wish to thank subscriber Stu Russell who contacted us to advise the the names of the group of pilots and to add a few personal comments:
This photo from the 1950’s shows 5 Pacific Western Airlines pilots in Resolute Bay.
They are from left to right:
Captain Jack Magel, Captain Doug Haney, Captain Robin Mackie, Captain Hank Debarnardo and Captain Ken Rausch.
They were a special breed of aviators who flew Ansons, DC-3’s, C- 46’s and other assorted aircraft from the era that were utilized by Pacific Western to help build the Distant Early Warning line across the high arctic in the 1950's.
They went on to fly Boeing 737, 727, 707, and/or Lockheed L100 Hercules aircraft throughout their colourful aviation careers.
It did not seem right to have a classic 70 year old photo without their names attached; they deserve the recognition.
Special thanks to Alan Philpott in Edmonton for assisting with the names.
Regards, Stu Russell
Remember When
Story by Wayne Albertson (with additional details by Ken Pickford) -
It's always a treat when we see a familiar name as a new subscriber to 'The NetLetter'.
So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Eunice Robinson (pictured below), who's name brings back memories of the Air Canada / Canadian Airlines merger back in 2001. Eunice was working within Corporate Real Estate at Canadian's YVR Ops Centre at the time while we were a small group working in the Air Canada 'Stores' warehouse.
I remember Eunice (who cannot ever be considered shy) coming into our warehouse to introduce herself and welcome us before our move over to the Ops Centre.
My next surprise (though it should not have been) was finding out what she has been up to since her retirement. She has been involved with the Sea Island Heritage Society since its beginning back in 1995 (an eventful year) and is currently serving as the president.
For those who may not be familiar with British Columbia's 'Lower Mainland", Sea Island in the 2nd largest island (after Lulu Island) that make up the city of Richmond (south of Vancouver). Sea Island is also the location of Vancouver International Airport.
One of the most fascinating historical facts is that Boeing built a manufacturing plant (pictured in this issue's header) on Sea Island, to support Canada's involvement in the war, in 1939, initially employing 175 people. The plant most notably produced PBY Catalina flying boats and amphibians. The Catalina was known as 'Canso' by the Royal Canadian Air Force and subsequent commercial operators in Canada, which included Canadian Pacific Airlines.
After World War II the former Boeing Canada plant became the maintenance base and home of many other departments of Canadian Pacific Airlines. Part of the Boeing plant also became the maintenance base for Pacific Western Airlines.
CP Air began moving in stages to the current (now Air Canada) Ops Centre on its completion in 1969/70. The only part of the former Boeing plant still standing is a separate hangar structure at the east end which was once the PWA maintenance base. A new hangar built by CPA adjacent to the ex-Boeing facilities for the new turbo-prop Bristol Britannia, 8 of which were delivered in 1958/59, is also still standing. It held two Britannias. Long after the DC-8 replaced the Britannia starting in 1961, the hangar was still referred to as the "Britannia hangar."
Boeing also built a community on the island to house its employees. 'Burkeville' was named after Stanley Burke, the then President of Boeing Aircraft in Canada, and still exists as a landmark today amid the constant growth of YVR.
Sea Island's rich history is far too vast to chronicle here so we strongly recommend visiting their web site (click the image below) where you can get lost for a while.
Additional information at: www.yvr.ca/en/blog/2019/boeing-canada-centennial-anniversary
See 'Wayne's Wings' below for some personal memories of Sea Island.
Editors' Note: The Sea Island Heritage Society was set to hold its first Sea Island reunion on May 30, 2020. They had rescheduled to May 2021, but unfortunately Covid-19 had other ideas.
In the hope that 2022 is a better year, the reunion has been tentatively rescheduled for May 28, 2022.
Click Here for up to date info: www.seaislandhome.org/sea-island-reunion.html
Women in Aviation
In 2008, the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines initiated a stamp project in order to celebrate Canadian women pilots representing various flying careers.
Please note that these stamps cannot be purchased at Canada Postal outlets but are available at www.canadian99s.com/stamps. |
Dorothy Rungeling on her 99th birthday.
Our 2010 stamp honouring Ridgeville, Ontario resident Dorothy Rungeling was released on May 12, Dorothy’s 99th birthday.
Designed by Ninety-Nines member Suzanne Wiltshire, the Dorothy Rungeling stamp features a portrait of Dorothy with a Bell 47G-2 helicopter in the background.
Born in 1911, Dorothy was not a typical female in that she rode a motorcycle, as well as horses. She trained horses and judged horse shows, unusual activities for young women, particularly for the times. Dorothy admits to being very nervous during her first flight, but then determined to overcome her fear.
At first she was just going to take lessons until she soloed, but by then the flying bug had settled in. She completed her private license in 1949 at the Welland airport.
Seeing how serious she was about flying, Dorothy’s husband Charlie didn’t want her flying an old airplane so he bought her a new Luscombe – for $2500! To build time for her commercial license, Dorothy set out for Cuba with a group of pilots. Her navigation ability improved significantly when she became separated from the group.
Dorothy later owned a Cessna 170, Cessna 172, Piper Pacer and then a Beech Bonanza airplane. After completing her instructor rating, Dorothy instructed part-time and got a charter to set up her own business at the Welland Airport. But, in Dorothy’s words, “Seeing dark clouds on the horizon, I gave up the idea when I ran into opposition from an existing flying club.”
Dorothy embraced air racing with a passion. Seven times she competed in the Women’s International Air Race, also called the “Angel Derby”, an air race of approximately 1500 – 1600 kilometers between the USA and another country (Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean). Her team often placed in the top ten.
Dorothy also competed three times in the All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race (AWTAR), sometimes referred to as the “Powder Puff Derby”, usually about a 4300 – 4400 kilometer course across the USA. Dorothy’s co-pilots included other well-known Canadian pilots, Lorna deBlicquy and Felicity McKendry. Teams often dressed alike. Dorothy’s favourite outfit was the year she and her co-pilot wore matching dresses and aprons with the caption “To hell with housework”.
Source: canadian99s.com/stamps
Additional information: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Rungeling
Air Canada News
for the latest posts at the Air Canada Mediaroom. |
Click the logo to open the Air Canada YouTube channel. |
TCA/AC People Gallery
Larry Milberry has put together a blog named 'The Great Lockheed Twins' and can be followed at canavbooks.wordpress.com.
We have, with permission from Larry, some of the photos and story of those aircraft which ended up at Trans-Canada Air Lines.
The first Lockheed Lodestar that I ever photographed, CF-TDE of Southern Provincial Airlines, was based at Toronto Island Airport when I shot it there on September 26, 1959.
Having joined Trans-Canada Air Line (TCA) in October 1942, it later served BA Oil as CF-BAO (a previous CF-BAO was converted to the later Learstar), then reverted to CF-TDE when sold to Canadian Aircraft renters, the parent company to Southern Provincial.
This company then was searching for a 'raison d'être' as a small charter airline, but soon realized that this market did not yet exist. CF-TDE was sold in 1960 into the US as N9063R, then moved on to Peru to work in aero photography.
Editors' Note: CF-TDE Lockheed Lodestar 18-08A-200 delivered to TCA on October 3, 1942 assigned fin# 52, sold to Nickel Belt Airways on April 6, 1948 after 12,798 hours of service.
Source: A Pocket Guide by Frank Pooley
Below left, in 1938, George Lothian and Gordon Haslett, first and second pilot on the TCA service between Vancouver and Seattle, were the first of TCA's pilots to wear the new uniform.
Below right, TCA's first stewardesses in 1938: Lucile Garner and Pat Eccleston.
Source: Edmonton Journal Friday September 30, 1938

Found in 'Horizons' magazine
Issue dated June 1998
Here we have a photo of the front end crew for the Montreal - Tel Aviv inaugural flight.
Left to right: Captain Lyle Gainsford, First Officer Mario Gagné and First Officer Jean-François Boucher getting ready for the take-off to Dorval’s newest destination - Tel Aviv.
During a recent visit to our Houston station, Lamar Durrett, President and CEO met with employees and presented 5-year anniversary pins to Customer Service Agents Dana Woods and Robert Cassidy.
Pictured here are from left to right: David Ray, Manager, Customer Service; Customer Service Agents Robert Cassidy, Desna Francis and Colleen Boyd; Lamar Durrett, President & CEO; Andrea Higgins, Administrative Assistant; Dennis Lerchacher, Aircraft Services Coordinator; Customer Service Agents, Ali Hakim and Dana Woods.
Joe Mallory, Director. I.T. - Technical Ops, presents Beverley Cotton, Senior Business System Analyst with her 30-year pin. |
In Quebec City, Pauline Jean celebrated 30 years of service.
Left to right, front row: Marc Julien, Len Greenner, Pauline Jean, Wilfred Hachey, Gary Doucet and Jacques Belleau.
Back row: Sylvain Jobin, Michel Cote, Line Robinson, Michel Tétreault, Claude J. Dufour and Normand Manville (hidden).
In 1998, these three Thunder Bay employees received their service awards: Byron Halliday, Customer Sales & Service Agent, 30 years; Dave Fernie, Cargo Agent, also 30 years and Roger Phillips, Lead Station Attendant, 25 years.
Congratulations to the following employees from In-flight Service in Vancouver who, during 1998, recently celebrated 35, 30 or 25 years of service.
Front to back: Joyce Wasylik, Barbara Buchanan, Ruth Daley, Joann Noonan, Victoria Johnstone, Rick Darcy, Paulette Couture, Jindy Melvin, Mary Wold, Dara Coughlin, Colette Loslier, Norma Gillan, Nora Wilson, Mary McMullen, Sigrun Cowan, Sandra Tonello-Greenfield, Helga Noll, Andy Noll, Dario Rossi, Siri Moore, Trevor Thomas, Paulette Cloutier, Marilyn Blusson, Steve Chadwick, Diane Brown, Linda Smith, Ray Duford, Lyn Arnason, Lynn Groberman, Penny Burke, Ida Carter, Anita Tadeuszow, Suzanne Schultz, Nathalie Jaune, Anne Swift, Michelle Meakin, Dinah Zimmerman, Lucienne Smiley, Gail Grancis, Virgina Malloch, Lilly Flather, Margaret Huber, Paulette Winter, Gunilla Kay, Sandra Allaire-Swan, Claudette Turgeon, Olivera Formby, Andrea Elsey, Cathy Zanen and Chris Dubeau, General Manager, In-Flight Service, West.
CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
History of the Pacific Flying Club. |
The club was established in 1965 as the Canadian Pacific Airlines Employees Flying Club and later became known as the Pacific Flying Club.
Originally located at Vancouver International Airport, we relocated to Boundary Bay Airport in 1985 when ZBB was recommissioned as an airport.
The Club's senior management team has been recognized as leaders in their field. Gretchen Matheson, the Club's Chief Flight Instructor in the 1980's and early 1990's, was a pioneer among women in Canadian aviation and was awarded the British Columbia Aviation Council's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1992.
More information at: pacificflying.com/about-pfc/history-pacific-flying-club
More from Larry Milberry's 'The Great Lockheed Twins' at canavbooks.wordpress.com
Built in early 1945 for the USAAF as C-54E - 44-9035, this DC-4 (civil designation) was sold within months by the US government Reconstruction Finance Corp. to Pan American World Airways. "Pan Am" operated it as N88882 "Clipper Malay", until selling it in 1951 to Canadian Pacific Airlines (CPA), where it became CF-CUJ. This aircraft would fly many a trans-Pacific trip supporting efforts in the Korean War, and later to the Arctic, during DEW line construction.
In 1957 CPA sold the aircraft to Maritime Central Airways (MCA), where it was registered as CF-MCI. We spotted CF-MCI at Malton Airport several times in the early 1960's, when it mainly was busy on accounts here — either flying in rhesus monkeys from India by the thousands (at a time) for the production in Toronto of polio vaccine, or doing summer tourist charters in the trans-Atlantic trade.
One wonders if they ever got the smell of the monkeys completely out of the plane, so that passengers could be carried! On this occasion, CF-MCI is arriving at Malton on a very blustery January 30, 1960 with a load of monkeys. Imagine crewing on such a flight that would have taken a good 3 - 4 days from India on the other side of the world at a plodding 170-180 mph.
I wish some of the old time Canadian DC-4 pilots had written their memoirs, so we could get the inside story of their work, but the lazy sods traditionally have been loath to pick up a pen.
CF-MCI later served Eastern Provincial Airways and Nordair. Its flying days ran out in 1968, after which it disappeared for scrap.
Editors' Note: CF-CUJ c/n 27261 delivered to CPA on November 3, 1951 and assigned fin #413. Sold to Maritime Central Airways (MCA) on April 10, 1957.
Source: CPAL History by D.M. Bain
One of Transair's fleet of hard working DC-4's serving the DEW line at one time. DEW line resupply contracts periodically changed. In the early years Maritime Central Airways (MCA) of Moncton dominated the show. Later it was Nordair from Dorval, periodically Transair, at other times PWA and CPA on the western DEW line.
CF-TAL was acquired in the US early in 1961 to bolster DEW line capacity. It returned to the US in 1973, a time when Transair was modernizing with such types as the Argosy and B737. Last heard of (1983) CF-TAL was N301JT in storage under the Arizona sun.
Yet another wonderful landing shot, this one showing Northwest Orient Airlines' (NWA) N291 at Minneapolis on August 20, 1963. This was during one of the great cross-country driving trips that Nick Wolochatiuk and I used to make in Nick's VW "Beetle".
In this case, were on the road living like street people on a few dollars a day — for 3 weeks!
How is this (photograph below) for a perfect angle on a DC-7C? Notice how these old prop liners were so filthy where the exhausts spewed out their smoke and crud. N291 served NWA 1957 to 65, then it spent a few years as CF-TAY with Transair of Winnipeg. Again, many outfits followed, the plane finally ending as freighter HI-524CT in the Dominican Republic and going for scrap around 1990.
Featured Video(s)
Our 'Featured Videos' focus once again on Air Inuit. In NetLetter # 1469, we linked to Alex Praglowski's trip report on board a 40 year old B737 to northern Quebec.
In video linked below, Alex describes his 'milk run' return trip to Montreal on board a Dash 8.
Our next video is posted by YUL videographer, Mark Brandon, and shows a short take off by an Air Inuit DHC-6-300 Twin Otter.
Odds and Ends
About Sunwing Airlines
By 2004, Sunwing Vacations had become the second largest tour operator in the Ontario area. That year, a former Skyservice employee named Mark Williams approached the CEO of Sunwing Travel Group, Colin Hunter, and asked if he wanted to start an airline.
A few weeks later, official plans to launch the airline were in place. In November 2005, a Boeing 737-800 departing from Toronto was the airline's inaugural flight. In December 2005, Sunwing flew its first direct flight from Sudbury, Ontario to Varadero, Cuba, making it one of the first international flights directly from the Sudbury Airport. In November 2006, the company flew its first flight out of Montreal.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunwing_Airlines
The Spruce Goose.
The largest wooden airplane ever constructed, and flown only once, the Spruce Goose represents one of humanity's greatest attempts to conquer the skies. It was born out of a need to move troops and material across the Atlantic Ocean, where in 1942 German submarines were sinking hundreds of Allied ships.
Henry Kaiser, steel magnate and shipbuilder, conceived the idea of a massive flying transport and turned to Howard Hughes to design and build it. Hughes took on the task, made even more challenging by the government’s restrictions on materials critical to the war effort, such as steel and aluminum.
Six times larger than any aircraft of its time, the Spruce Goose, also known as the Hughes Flying Boat, is made entirely of birch wood. The winged giant made only one flight on November 2, 1947. The unannounced decision to fly was made by Hughes during a taxi test. With Hughes at the controls, David Grant as co-pilot, and several engineers, crewmen and journalists on board, the Spruce Goose flew just over one mile at an altitude of 70 feet for one minute. The short hop proved to skeptics that the gigantic machine could fly.
The Spruce Goose was kept out of the public eye for 33 years. After Hughes’ death in 1976, it was gifted by Hughes’ Summa Corporation to the Aero Club of Southern California. The Aero Club then leased it to the Wrather Corporation, and moved it into a domed hangar in Long Beach, California.
In 1992, Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum co-founders Michael King Smith and Delford M. Smith submitted the winning proposal to provide the aviation icon with a proper home. The Flying Boat was disassembled and transported by barge up the West Coast, then up the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, to Portland, Oregon.
It remained there for several months, until water levels permitted the huge structures to safely pass under the Willamette’s many bridges. Finally, in February 1993, the aircraft was transported by truck for the last 7.5 miles to McMinnville, Oregon. In 2001, re-assembly of the Hughes Flying Boat was completed in its new home.
Source: evergreenmuseum.org/the-spruce-goose
Editors' Note: Photo below taken by Wayne Albertson at the Evergreen Museum, in May 2014, of the actual Spruce Goose with a replica of the Spirit of St. Louis in the foreground.
Wayne's Wings

Bicycling on Sea Island
Sharing happy memories of our airline careers is the purpose of 'The NetLetter' so I'm going to be a little self indulgent for this issue's article.
Hearing from Eunice Robinson (see 'Remember When') reminded me of many pleasant days of bicycle riding around Sea Island during my twenty years of working at YVR.
Besides being able to ride to work while living in Richmond, I often spent a full day off riding around by myself just enjoying the beauty of the area.
From the 'No. 2' Road bridge (from Lulu Island) along Russ Baker Way runway 26L is on the left, usually with a line up of aircraft ready to take off. Through Burkeville with its picturesque homes, residents have taken great care to keep these wartime houses and landscape clean and tidy.
There is a path underneath the 'No.3' Road bridge that leads to Templeton Street where there are always several photographers (or videographers) parked to capture aircraft approaching runway 26R.
Continuing along Ferguson Road around the north side of the island, there used to be an almost unobstructed view of the back of the Ops Centre and the hangar, with landing aircraft touching down.
Canada Post and UPS have now built large cargo facilities, so there is quite a bit of traffic to watch out for, but once beyond those warehouses, the contrasting views of the busy runway on the left and the Coastal Mountains on the right are awesome.
On to Iona Beach Regional Park at the northwest tip of the island and along the Iona Jetty, which stretches 5 kilometres out into the Strait of Georgia, for some aircraft watching. From the tip of the jetty is a view of aircraft climbing after liftoff. Mid afternoon is the best time because of several wide bodies departing for destinations in Asia.
The ride back builds an appetite (and thirst) for a stop over at the Flying Beaver Bar & Grill, on the south side of the island, for a burger & beer while watching the seaplanes arrive and depart.
Today there is a YouTube video for just about everything. I found the video (linked below) posted SHHH Moto Travels of a motorcycle ride around the island. Click the image below to get a bit of a feeling of what I have been trying to describe.
The Iona Beach Jetty |
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
For an interesting review of airlines of Canada that have passed into history, have a look here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_defunct_airlines_of_Canada
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More flight attendant announcements –
“As we taxi out we’d like those passengers sat on the right side of the aircraft to press their faces against the window. We’d like to remind those other airlines what a full plane looks like.”
"In a short time we will serve refreshments. Please remember that we are in the airline business, not the food business.”
Pilot: “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome aboard this flight to Denver. We will be taking off just as soon I get through page 10 of this flight manual.”
“We just found a wallet in the aisle……now that we have your attention here is some important safety information.”
The NetLetter Team

Wayne Albertson, Ken Pickford & Terry Baker
Richmond, British Columbia - December 2019
(Bob Sheppard was not available for the photograph)
We wish to honour the memories of
Vesta Stevenson and Alan Rust.
They remain a part of every edition published.
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E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: Please note that the NetLetter does not necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.